How To Boost Your Quest For Government Jobs

Government jobs has been a dream for millions and will continue to dominate the list of “Favorite places to Work” in years to come. It not only provides us job security and access to a plethora of benefits, but a job in a federal agency/department also extends an opportunity to serve the nation with a sense of pride.

Hundreds of State/Federal departments employ thousands of people on their rolls in all 50 states and a considerable number of them exist in representative offices of the US government in foreign countries.

You may be surprised to know that 84% of government jobs are located outside the national capital, Washington, D.C and about a quarter of  2.3 million-strong federal workforces are eligible for retirement(Source: Office of Personnel Management). This sort of figures is motivating enough for job aspirants to rev up their dream of landing an offer in a cherished agency/department.

However, unlike their private counterparts, government jobs are not easy to apply for, owing to a sophisticated framework, limited availability, and competition. If you’re passionate about serving the nation, the right strategies can help you navigate your dream. Here are some tips to help you boost your quest for jobs with federal and state agencies.

Learn More About This Gigantic Entity

There are hundreds of departments/agencies that work in tandem to fulfill various goals in running the country. As a first step towards realizing your dream, understand the structure and its components and choose a few sectors which interest you. For example, a certified lab technician can look up to the FDA(Federal Drug Administration) for suitable jobs.

Revisit Your Resume

You Resume is likely to be following the conventional format based on general principles. The look and feel of your bio will be bent towards meeting the norms of private sector/Non-profit organizations. There is a sea of difference in the ways government sectors operate. The terms, descriptions, job profiles speak the federal language.

Therefore, your first move should be to research on the format and redesigning the Resume to make it vetted for federal/state jobs. It would be much more easy for recruiters in the govt. the sector to understand your Bio if it communicates to them. Lookup for resources and guides on the internet in this regard.

Search For Government Jobs Openings on Appropriate Websites

Offline job searches and posting job applications are losing their sheen. This holds good for job openings with federal/state agencies as well. Lookup for jobs on official departmental sites under the “Careers” section or check for openings on neutral websites such as You’ll be surprised to learn about the opportunities available for aspirants with various qualifications.

Note the job profile, understand the timelines, ascertain if you stand a chance and follow the channel to apply for the job opening. You must also follow up with the originators as per timelines for updates.

Replenish Your Network

One of the foremost catalysts that aid job search. Connect with your friends, family members, former colleagues who may have contacts in government sectors and who may be able to guide you in this regard. Folks will also help you in getting linked up with people working with the government.

Who knows? Your next job referral to an opening in a government agency may come through a member in the network.

If you’re aspiring to find government jobs and not employed at present, you can claim unemployment insurance in your state. This insurance program jointly administered by federal – state agencies, provides weekly monetary compensation for citizens who lost their job due to involuntary reasons.

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