Tips That Help You to Be on Top at Workplace

Workplaces are getting extremely competitive day by day owing to an assortment of the talent pool from all age groups coupled with performance oriented policies from organizations. The bottom line is that everybody wants to be on top. After all, superior performance is always appreciated and rewarded. Some of our personal and collective strategies towards achieving success at the workplace may or may not work.


The key to unlocking success is to keep trying. Here is our list of just 5 simple tips which is sure to aid you to be on top at the workplace. Quite literally.

1) Ability to Perform

Most of us work in teams, performing a similar job with common objectives. As a member of the team, it’s paramount for us to understand the indices and work in sync accordingly. We must set personal goals within this ecosystem and aim at an exleperary performance by taking co-workers into confidence. Helping your co-workers scale up also adds massive value to your personal growth in the team.

Choose to exceed expectations over meeting them. Start your task early and always ensure quality output. Planning is one of the most crucial aspects of ensuring you remain on top of the performance charts within the team.

2) Own Up Initiatives

More than performing your standard duties, this era is all about how you go that extra mile to add value to your clients and company. One of the most visible and accessible tools to be in the good limelight is to take up initiatives outside your job profile. It not only helps you to hone skills but also brings out the innovator in you. For example, concepts and ideas that you utilized in your last job that can be implemented with your current employer for improving the process.

Simple facts such as organizing an ad hoc team meeting, arranging a movie outing for your department etc., speaks volumes of your ability to be a leader.

3) Showcase Your Accomplishments

All of us among the salaried class aim at being recognized as top players in the team. Each one is responsible for our own career and hence, it is the need of the hour to present our individual achievements to the management time to time. Assuming that “it will be noticed” may not do the trick. Record individual milestones, accomplishments and ensure your bring this to the table during appraisal sessions, team meetings and other appropriate forums.

Remaining humble is okay to an extent, being assertive helps. Do not boast of your achievements frequently though.

4) Avoid Negative Emotions

One of the most important tips in this list. Being a pessimist goes against rules in a standard workplace. Avoid instigating gossips, rumors or even being a party to it. If there is an issue, discuss it with your supervisor or manager instead of venting it out with colleagues. It not only affects you, hampers your prospects, but also affects the surrounding bringing down the morale in general.

Remember, there is a sea of difference between personal and professional lives. You should be easily able to change the hats according to the situation and time and not let an event in your personal life affect the work life.

5) Networking

One of the most highly recommended methods to spread your wings within the organization. Networking helps you reach out to new avenues by meeting new people and learning new things. It may also help you make that strategic move of getting a new job or making a move within the organization. Being in constant touch with like minded people will open up a whole new world of opportunities.

So, that was our list of 5 tips directed at helping you nurture your career and be a top performing worker/executive in your organization.