Suicidal Behavior During Unemployment

Unemployment is one of the most testing phase in our lives. Whether you were fired or lost the job due to underperformance, the vacuum caused by job loss is irreparable. Specially if have a family depending on your earnings and you do not have the required financial backing to sustain the turmoil. Falling unemployment rates over the last few months are indicators of strengthening job markets in USA. However thousands of jobless citizens are still struggling to find a job for a long duration.

According to the monthly news release “The Employment Situation” from Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Department of Labor, the number of long term unemployed(those jobless for 26 weeks or more) stood at a staggering 2.8 Million in Jan 2015. Long term unemployment can further deteriorate the situation leading to mental trauma which may include suicidal tendency. Avoiding such thoughts and feelings can be difficult, considering the low state of emotions.

Studies Point Fingers at Unemployment

According to a recent study of worldwide prominence, suicide caused over 45,000 deaths worldwide due to unemployment between the year 2000 to 2010 that includes a sizable chunk from the USA. The recession of 2008 saw an increase in number of people committing suicide due to massive lay offs. Out of the 233,000 suicide deaths that took place during this period, 1 in every 5 were due to unemployment. In the wake of such high numbers, we must take utmost precautions to ensure that our loved ones do not  succumb to suicidal tendencies.

The research team was led by study author Dr. Carlos Nordt of the University of Zurich Psychiatric Hospital in Switzerland who analysed and interpreted World Health Organisation(W.H.O) mortality data along with other key publications over the last decade.

Let us list down key points you must consider to negate negative emotions such as Suicidal Tendency and stay strong.

Cut Down on Unnecessary Expenses

This is critical phase where your wallet will not be able to bear the same expenditure akin to when you had a job. Trim all unwanted expenses and control household budget. You will no longer be able to sustain the same lifestyle as before.

Apply for Unemployment Insurance

Perhaps, claiming unemployment benefits should be your immediate move. Unemployment insurance provides temporary financial assistance in the form of weekly payment which is computed based on your last drawn income. Unemployment payments are generally made for up to 26 weeks for jobless citizens who lost the job due to no fault of their own. In other words, if you were laid off or fired from job indiscriminately, you can be eligible to claim UI.

Unemployment benefits may not really cover what your earned, but pays for basic needs.

Scout for Other Form of Benefits

Most of the states across the country provide other forms of monetary benefits such as Workers compensation & disability benefits depending on the applicants background. If you think you fit the bill, do not hesitate to apply with relevant authorities. The state and federal governments extend monetary and non monetary assistance to jobless citizens. You must spend good time on discovering these programs that aid your prospects.

Search & Apply for Jobs

The number one priority. The points explained earlier in this section provide financial cushioning for the initial few months. However, unemployment insurance and other benefits may not really be enough to meet all expenses. Look for jobs online on job portals using keywords. Make calls to employers and follow up after interviews. Your efforts should be sincere and should go all out looking for jobs. Networking at key events can add impetus to job search.

Utilize Resources Provided By Labor Authorities

In most of the states, the DOL’s in addition to administering unemployment insurance programs also extend a host of other services such as skill training, job search services, workshops etc. Explore such resources either by checking the relevant web pages or by calling them.

Get Counselling if Required

It needn’t  be a cakewalk for most of us. It may take a couple of months before you find a job that matches your experience and skillset. During the jobless phase, you may undergo severe mental stress and can be a victim of social stigma. This can lead to suicidal tendency. In such cases, discuss this behaviour with a close member of family or a friend and get professional counselling to help you overcome this behaviour.

Most importantly, do not take any hasty steps. Always remember, you’ve your loved ones depending on you. Suicide is not the answer neither does it provide a solution.