Max Weekly Benefit Amount
Max Weeks of Benefits
Current Jobless Rate

New Mexico Unemployment Benefits

New Mexico Unemployment Benefits

New Mexico’s unemployment insurance program is a temporary financial assistance program that provides unemployment benefits to eligible claimants who have lost their job through no fault of their own. Administered by the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions, this program provides weekly benefits to unemployed workers to help them make ends meet while they look for a new job.

New Mexico UI Benefits Calculator

The New Mexico Unemployment Benefits Calculator helps you estimate your UI weekly benefits amount.

UI Benefits Calculator
Calculate Your New Mexico Unemployment Benefits

Use the New Mexico unemployment calculator to estimate your UI benefit payments.

New Mexico Unemployment Calculator

Eligibility for UI Benefits In New Mexico

You must meet monetary and job separation requirements to be eligible for unemployment benefits in New Mexico.

In order to receive UI benefits in New Mexico, each job seeker must meet the following eligibility requirements, including:

  • Being unemployed through no fault of your own
  • Be able and available to work
  • Register with the New Mexico Workforce Connection System
  • Meet the state’s work search requirements
  • Apply for and accept suitable work

Monetary eligibility

In order to qualify for New Mexico unemployment insurance benefits, you must meet the state’s monetary eligibility requirements. This includes:

  • You must have earned at least $2,089.72 during the base period
  • You must have earned money during at least two quarters of the base period

Your base period is the first four out of the five quarters you worked before you become unemployed.

Job separation

To receive unemployment benefits in New Mexico, you must have lost your job through no fault of your own. This means that the job separation was not a result of your own misconduct, gross negligence, or violation of company policy.

Examples of acceptable job separations for unemployment benefits include:

  • Lay-offs
  • Reductions in hours
  • Termination without cause

If you voluntarily quit your job or are terminated by your employer for cause, you may not be eligible for unemployment benefits.

New Mexico Eligibility Calculator

Maintaining eligibility

Once you apply for unemployment benefits and get approved, you must file a request for benefits each week. This is also called a weekly certification. You need to do this for every week you want to receive benefits.

When filing your weekly certification, you will be asked several questions to verify your eligibility. Topics include:

  • Whether you worked during the week, and if so:
    • Gross wages earned
  • Whether you were offered any jobs
  • If you were available for work
  • If you met the job search requirements
  • Any self-employment activity you participated in

New Mexico unemployemnt job search requirements



How To Apply For UI Benefits In New Mexico

You must submit several documents to receive New Mexico unemployment benefits.

What You Need to File a Claim

To file a claim, you’ll need to ensure you have the relevant information on hand to make the process go more smoothly, whether you are filing a claim online or over the phone. For starters, you’ll need to have your Social Security Number available. If you are not a US citizen, you can still apply for unemployment benefits using your alien registration number along with its expiration date.

Additionally, you will need a list of your employers over the last 18 months. Be sure to have each employer’s mailing address and phone number, as well as the starting and ending dates of your employment with them.

Remember, you will need to file a claim each week you are unemployed. If you work during the week for which you are filing a claim for benefits, you will need to know the total amount you earned before any deductions are taken (your gross pay).

There are two ways to apply for unemployment insurance benefits in New Mexico: online and by phone.  For both methods, you will need to provide your:

  • Social Security number
  • Contact information for all employers in the past 18 months
  • Start and end dates of your last job
  • Work authorization number (if you’re not a U.S. citizen)
  • Whether you worked at all during the week, and if so, the amount of money you earned


If you want to apply for New Mexico unemployment benefits, visit the online portal and click “Individual.” A pop-up window will appear, click “Create Account/Log In.” Click “Create Account” and follow the instructions on the screen.


You can also call the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions and apply with the help of a customer service representative. The UI operations center is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Learn how to apply for UI benefits

How to file weekly claims

You can file weekly certifications online or by phone. To file online, log into your account using the username and password that you created during the initial application process.

You can also file your weekly certification claim by phone by calling the UI operations center at the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions.

Learn how to claim weekly benefits

Things To Know After Filing An Application

Once you apply for benefits, it’s essential to keep track of everything to make sure you remain eligible for benefits. If you don’t follow the rules, you may be disqualified from the unemployment insurance program. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Unemployment Fraud

If you receive UI benefits, you are responsible for following the eligibility requirements set by New Mexico state law. It is considered unemployment fraud when a claimant gives incorrect information about their salary or work history to receive or increase their unemployment compensation.


If you receive more benefits than you are eligible for, it is called an overpayment. This can happen if you make a mistake on your application or if the state agency makes an error when calculating your benefits. If you receive an overpayment, you will need to pay back the excess amount to the state.

Extended Benefit Programs

Extended Benefits are offered during times of high unemployment, and provide additional weeks of unemployment benefits beyond what is normally available. The availability of extended benefits is determined by the state and United States governments, and is based on economic conditions—such as high unemployment rates, natural disasters, and national pandemics.

Currently, there are no Extended Benefit programs available in the state of New Mexico. Unemployed workers are eligible to receive 26 weeks of unemployment compensation per benefit year.

Job training assistance

New Mexico Workforce Connection Centers offer a variety of job search assistance programs for unemployed workers. These programs include:

  • Apprenticeships
  • Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
  • New Mexico Workforce Connection Centers
  • Mock it Til You Rock it
  • Veteran services
  • WorkKeys
  • and more

Find job training opportunities in NM

New Mexico unemployment contact information

If you need help or have questions about your unemployment claim, you can call the UI operations center at the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions.

If you are interested in learning more about job search resources and programs, visit your local New Mexico Workforce Connection Center.

Common Questions

Can I file for unemployment benefits if I am sick or on vacation?

No, you cannot receive unemployment benefits in New Mexico if you are sick or on vacation. To be eligible for unemployment benefits in New Mexico, you must be able and available to work. This means that you are ready and willing to work and actively seeking employment. If you are sick or on vacation, you are not available to work, and therefore not eligible for unemployment benefits.

Do I have to pay federal taxes on my unemployment benefits?

Yes. When you file your income taxes, you need to report all of the unemployment insurance benefits you received. You can opt to have 10% of your weekly unemployment benefits withheld for federal taxes. If you decide to have taxes withheld, it will happen automatically every week.

What is the maximum benefit amount I can receive?

New Mexico’s maximum benefit amount is currently $565. This amount is based on the income earned in your highest quarter and the number of dependents in your household.

How do I end my claim after I get a full-time job?

When you go back to working full-time, you can simply stop filing weekly certifications. If you start working again in the middle of a week, be sure to tell the NM Department of Workforce Solutions how much money you made for that week when you submit your final weekly claim.

Can I file for unemployment benefits in another state while living in New Mexico?

Federal law prevents unemployed workers from filing for benefits in more than one state. However, you can file a combined wage claim if you have insured wages in other states. This can increase your weekly benefit amount, ensuring you get the full benefits you are entitled to receive.

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