
Rhode Island Unemployment Benefit Questions

How much will be my benefit amount?

Your benefit amount is usually 3.85% of your earnings in the highest two-quarters of your base period but will not exceed the fixed upper limit as per that state’s laws.

As of July 2018, the minimum benefit amount is $53 per week and the maximum is $576, and $720 for beneficiaries with a maximum five dependents. 

If you have children who are listed as dependents, that will qualify you for dependency allowance, provided the kids are below 18 years. Handicapped children who are above 18 years will also qualify for the allowance.

A claimant can have a maximum of 5 dependents and the dependency allowance will be 5% of your Weekly Benefit Rate. Minimum dependency allowance is $15 per dependent.

The number of dependents cannot be changed for a benefit year. If there is a change in the number of kids anytime during the year, it cannot be added to your claims. If 2 parties make a dependency claim for the same child, the party with primary custody will receive the dependency allowance.

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