
Nebraska Unemployment Job Search Requirements

You must make an active search for work each week you claim benefits. It is required that you make a minimum of two new contacts with prospective employers in person or via mail, telephone or internet. If your claim is based on full-time earnings in the base period, your work search must be for prospective full-time employment opportunities. If your unemployment claim is based on primarily part-time employment, you are permitted to make job contacts for part-time or full-time work.

You must maintain a Work Search Log by recording your work search contacts each week at the Department’s secure web site. Each work search contact entered into the log must include the date of contact, name of the person contacted, name of the employer contacted, employer’s address and phone number, the position applied for and the method of contact (in person, online application or email, telephone or regular mail contact).

You may log your work search contacts online as soon as you make them, before you submit your weekly claim for benefits. You may also log these work search contacts at the same time you claim your weekly benefits. However, you may not log your work search contacts after you submit your weekly claim for benefits.

Your work search log is subject to ongoing review and a disqualification from benefits will be assessed if you fail to make and report the required weekly work search.
The active work search requirement for each week benefits are claimed may be waived if you are on a temporary layoff with a definite return to work date, attached to certain industries or are a member in good standing with a union hiring hall.