
Kansas Unemployment Job Search Requirements

Kansas Unemployment Benefits

If you’re unemployed in Kansas and meet the eligibility requirements, you can receive unemployment benefits while you look for a new job.

After applying for UI benefits, one key condition for receiving these payments is that you actively search for work each week. The Kansas Department of Employment Security has specific work search requirements that you must follow. Failing to meet these requirements could lead to a loss of your benefits.

What are the Kansas unemployment work search requirements?

In Kansas, you have to complete three (3) work search activities every week to stay eligible for unemployment benefits. At least two of these activities must be either applying for a job or submitting a resume. This information is confirmed when you file a weekly claim and request your UI benefit.

You have some flexibility for the third activity. It can be another job application, going to a job fair, taking a resume writing course, using Workforce Center services, or browsing job posting websites.

You are required to document and maintain a written work search activity log. The KDES may request this record to confirm you’re meeting all eligibility requirements. If you can’t provide this information, you will lose your unemployment benefits.

Approved Work Search Activities

Each week, two of your work search activities must be directly applying for a job or submitting your resume to a potential employer.

You have more freedom with the 3rd activity. You can do any of the following approved work search activities:

  • Take skills assessments to match with the right job
  • Visit potential employers who likely have job openings
  • Use and other online job matching platforms
  • Research local job market trends
  • Check in at the Union Hall if that’s your main way to find work
  • Fill out job applications either in person or online for roles that fit your skills
  • Explore job listings online, in newspapers, and through networking
  • Attend workshops to improve your skills
  • Sign up with private job agencies or placement services
  • Conduct interviews with potential employers, either face-to-face or over the phone
  • Enroll in Career Center services for work and reemployment help
  • Use resources at One-Stop Career Centers to find a job
  • Go to job seminars, networking events, job fairs, and skill-building workshops
  • Get and follow through on job leads from the Career Center
  • Mail out your job application and resume when a job posting instructs you to do so
  • Apply to employers likely to have suitable job openings

Be sure to download the Work Search Log so you can keep track of your job searches. You must be able to provide documentation of your job search activities when requested, or your Kansas unemployment benefits could be delayed or denied.

Kansas Unemployment Job Training

Approved Training

Approved training in Kansas refers to short-term, vocational or technical training programs endorsed by the Kansas Department of Labor. If you’re an individual looking for such training, you’ll need to submit a request to KDOL. The KDOL will assess if the training you’ve chosen qualifies. This training is also available for participants in the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program.

Importance of Training Relevance

When applying for approved training, you need to show that this program will help you return to the job market more quickly. KDOL makes its decision based on your existing skills, work history, and job prospects related to the training you’re interested in. The end goal should be employment, not self-employment.

If KDOL approves your training and you meet all other requirements, you can receive Kansas unemployment insurance benefits while in the program. The need to actively seek other employment is lifted as long as you make satisfactory progress in your training. The duration for which you can receive these benefits depends on your initial unemployment claim.

How to apply for approved training

To apply for approved training, you’ll need to complete and submit a form called the School Attendance/Approved Training Application. KDOL will assess your form and notify you whether you’re eligible for the training program.

Approved Training – Benefits and Payment Process

Benefits for approved training are similar to regular unemployment benefits. You must file weekly claims during this time. You will continue to receive weekly payments, which will go directly to your unemployment debit card. To ensure you keep receiving these benefits, a Progress in Approved Training Report form will be mailed to you every four weeks.

You must have this form completed by your training facility and then return it to the Kansas Unemployment Contact Center. This report confirms your ongoing progress and attendance in the approved training.

Progress in Approved Training Report

While you’re enrolled in approved training, you’ll be required to complete and return the Progress in Approved Training Report every four weeks to confirm your continued participation.

Every four weeks, you’ll get a Progress in Approved Training Report form that needs to be filled out and sent back. A representative from your training facility must sign the form, certifying that you’re progressing satisfactorily in your program. Return the completed form to KDOL as quickly as possible to avoid any delays in your benefit payments.

Ready to get started? Search for Kansas Job Training Programs.

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