
North Dakota Unemployment Job Search Requirements

You must actively search for work if you are not returning to the employer who laid you off and/or if you are required to search for work and make job contacts. This is required for each week you wish to receive benefits – including your waiting week. Begin making your job contacts the same week that you apply for benefits. The purpose of a job contact is to become employed.

You must make a minimum of four acceptable job contacts in each calendar week.

Depending on the availability of jobs in your field and location, you may be required to make more job contacts. Job contacts are contacts you make with employers for positions you are willing to accept. You may contact employers in person, by mailing a resume or job application, or online via the Internet. Phone contacts are only acceptable if the employer requests it as a method of contact.

Job Service verifies a selection of job contacts to ensure that acceptable contacts are being made.

Job contacts are not acceptable if:

1)    You do not know the identity of the employer

2)   The in-person contact is with someone not in a hiring capacity

3)   The contact is made for the purpose of obtaining self-employment

4)   You post a resume with an online recruiting firm without applying for a specific position

5)   The contact is for the same job for which you already applied (For example, if you apply for a specific job one week and interview for the same job the next week)

You can list an employer as a job contact twice during each four-week eligibility review period – regardless of how many times you apply for different jobs with an employer during an eligibility review period.

Fill in the Job Contacts Record forms in the back of claimant guide (Page 31-34) completely as this information will be used for verification purposes. You are required to keep a record of your job contacts for one year. These records must be stored for this period of time in the event that you are selected for an audit of your claim.

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