
New Hampshire Unemployment Eligibility

To receive unemployment insurance benefits in New Hampshire, you must meet the following requirements.

Non Monetary Eligibility

  • Must be totally or partially unemployed
  • Must register for work unless you have been specifically exempted
  • Must be available for full-time work on all shifts and during all the hours work claimant is qualified for is normally performed
  • Must be physically and mentally able to work
  • Must search for work
  • You must quit or get fired for “good cause” related with work
  • Must participate in Re-employment Services if selected by NH Employment Security
  • Must disclose mandatory child support payments or overpaid food stamp coupons
  • Must report any refusal of work or referral to work

Monetary Eligibility

In New Hampshire, your Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA) is based on wages you earned in covered employment during the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters preceding the week in which you initiate your claim. The twelve month period of time used to calculate your Weekly Benefit Amount is known as a “Base Period”. If you cannot establish a WBA using the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters, the Department can use the last four completed calendar quarters as an alternative (alternate base period).

To establish a benefit rate,

  • You must have minimum earnings in the Base Period of at least $2,800 and,
  • Have at least two calendar quarters with earnings of $1,400.

Once a claim for unemployment is initiated, the Benefit Amount associated with it is effective for a twelve month period of time, known as a “Benefit Year”. An individual who has received unemployment benefits during a Benefit Year is required to have earned $700 of wages in covered employment since the beginning of such Benefit Year in order to qualify for benefits in the next Benefit Year.

If you have not worked and earned at least $700 since you opened your last claim, you will not qualify for a new year claim, even if you have met the $2800 and $1400 monetary eligibility requirements.

Eligibility Questions

I’ve just been laid off. What do I do?

If you have lost your job or had your hours of work reduced, file a new claim or reopen an existing claim via the Internet or visit the nearest NH Employment Security office to file your claim on a computer in our Resource Center. Open your claim during the week your hours are reduced or, if you became unemployed from full-time work on Thursday or Friday, open your claim on Sunday or Monday. If you live in another State and your last employment was in New Hampshire, you may file your claim over the Internet. If you do not have access to the Internet or need language assistance, you may call 1-800-266-2252 to speak to a Customer Service Representative during business hours (Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.).

I was fired / quit. Am I eligible for unemployment insurance benefits?

You should first file a claim if you haven’t already done so. Your claim will be assigned to a certifying officer and a determination will be made on eligibility. The Certifying Officer will contact you if he/she needs additional information before making a determination on your claim. In order for a voluntary quit to be payable, the separation must be determined attributable to the employer. In order for a discharge to be payable, it must be determined that the separation is not for misconduct connected with your work.

How will I know if I qualify for benefits and the amount?

You will be mailed a Determination of Unemployment Compensation about your monetary eligibility and, if there are any questions about your claim, you will be mailed one or more Determination of Eligibility documents about your non-monetary eligibility.

I’m unable to work because of sickness or injury. What should I do?

If you are sick, or injured please notify it on your Continued Claim Application question number 2, i.e. “During the week claimed, were you physically and mentally able to work?”, by answering No. Your claim will be assigned to a certifying officer to assist you with processing your claim.

When will I get my check?

After your initial claim is completed, it is immediately transmitted to the Benefit Adjudication Unit for processing. Your monetary eligibility is determined and a Determination of Unemployment Compensation mailed that detail your potential WBA (weekly benefit amount). This document is not a guarantee of payment. If there are questions on non-monetary eligibility conditions, you may be contacted for additional information.

Depending on the number of questions about your claim, if any, you can expect to be contacted and/or receive a Determination of Eligibility within 30 days. If you are unemployed for any reason other than lack of work, more time may be needed to process your claim. If you are found eligible, checks will be issued for any timely weeks filed at the same time the final non-monetary eligibility determinations are made. Remember to file for weekly benefits (also known as continued claims) according to the instructions provided. You will only receive payment for continued claims that are filed timely.

More Questions?? —-> Read Eligibility Q & A Section

Want to know about how much you will receive?? —–>Calculate your benefits here

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