
Idaho Unemployment Job Search Requirements

Idaho Unemployment Benefits

In order to maintain eligibility for the Idaho unemployment insurance program, you must make a good-faith effort to find full time work. This means contacting potential employers each week, even if you’re already working part time.

Work search requirements for the Idaho unemployment insurance program

The state of Idaho requires you to contact at least two employers every week you receive unemployment benefits. This will require you to carefully track your work search contacts. You will be asked to list the companies you contacted on your weekly certifications.

Your work log should include the following information:

  • Company name
  • Date of contact
  • Method of contact
  • Company address
  • Company email and website
  • Contact person, title, and phone number
  • Type of work or job title
  • Job number and/or confirmation number
  • Whether you submitted an application or resume
  • The next step you need to take

It is highly recommended that you use the work search log provided by the Idaho Department of Labor to track this information. You will want to keep this work search log for a few years in case your claim is audited.

What is considered a work search activity?

There are many ways to look for a new job opportunity, but only certain work search activities will count toward your two weekly contacts.

In addition to applying to a job with a resume or cover letter, you can also:

  • Email someone with hiring authority: If you send a letter of interest to a hiring manager who has the power to hire you, that counts as a valid way to look for work. Sending a cover letter, resume, or application is recommended but not required.
  • Follow up with an employer: If an employer asks you to check back with them about an application, following up is a valid way to look for work. Contacting the same employer each week without being asked to do so is not valid.
  • Interview for a job: If you interview for a job after applying, that counts as a valid way to look for work. The application could count as one way to look for work, and the interview could count as the second way for the same week.
  • Meet with an Idaho Labor workforce consultant: Using job seeker services, such as employment preparation classes, job search workshops, and mock interviews counts as a valid work search activity.
  • Register with a staffing service: Applying with a recruiter or placement agency counts as a valid way to look for work.
  • Attend a job seeker event: Going to a job fair, virtual job fair, networking event, or employer-sponsored workshop is a valid way to look for work.
  • Complete an employer prerequisite for hiring: Many jobs require a skills test, background check, or drug test. You can count these tasks as a way to look for work.

Are there any work search activities that don’t count?

Not all job search activity is equal in the eyes of the Idaho Department of Labor. The following work search activities will not count toward your weekly employer contacts:

  • Just researching new jobs
  • Viewing job listings without applying
  • Repeatedly following up with an employer when you weren’t asked to
  • Following up with staffing agencies
  • Using your part-time employer as a contact
  • Only asking for information about a job listing
  • Receiving a job referral
  • Listing self-employment work
  • Using friends and family members who have no hiring power as a contact

Work registration

To complete your application for unemployment insurance benefits, you will need to sign up for work on

You may also need to talk to a state workforce consultant. The goal of this conversation is to help you find a job quickly. The consultant can help you improve your resume and search for jobs. If you don’t do this interview as required, your UI benefits will stop.

Do I have to accept any job?

If you are receiving unemployment compensation in Idaho, you are required to be actively seeking work and willing to accept suitable work. However, the determination of whether a job offer is suitable depends on several factors, including your prior work experience, qualifications, and the wages and working conditions of the job.

If you refuse a job offer that is deemed suitable, your eligibility for unemployment benefits may be impacted. It’s important to follow the guidelines set by the Idaho Department of Labor and consult with a workforce consultant if you have any questions.

Idaho Unemployment Job Training Programs


Idaho’s apprenticeship programs offer a valuable opportunity for individuals to gain practical, on-the-job training in a wide range of industries. These programs are designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in your chosen field while earning a paycheck.

Idaho’s apprenticeship programs cover a diverse array of industries, including construction, healthcare, information technology, and advanced manufacturing. Participants in these programs receive hands-on training from experienced professionals, classroom instruction, and the opportunity to earn industry-recognized credentials.

Able to Work

Idaho’s Able to Work program is a unique initiative that provides individuals with disabilities the opportunity to secure meaningful employment. This program is designed to help people with disabilities overcome barriers to employment, gain new skills, and achieve financial independence.

The Able to Work program partners with local businesses to identify job opportunities for program participants. Participants receive vocational training, job coaching, and ongoing support to ensure their success in the workplace. The program also offers employers tax incentives and training to help them create a more inclusive and diverse workforce.

Big Interview

Idaho’s Big Interview program is an innovative initiative that provides job seekers with an online platform to improve their interview skills. The program offers a range of resources, including video tutorials, practice questions, and feedback from career experts.

Job seekers can use the platform to prepare for virtual or in-person interviews, learn how to answer difficult questions, and develop strategies to showcase their strengths. Idaho’s Big Interview program is a great resource for people who want to improve their chances of landing a job in a competitive market. The program is free for Idaho residents and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

Farmworker Services

Idaho’s Farmworker Services program is a valuable resource for migrant and seasonal farmworkers who work in Idaho’s agricultural industry. The program provides a range of services, including job placement assistance, training opportunities, and support for workers’ rights. Farmworkers can receive help with housing, transportation, and access to healthcare, as well as assistance with navigating complex immigration and labor laws.

Hiring events and workshops

Hiring events and workshops are a valuable resource for job seekers looking to connect with employers and improve their job search skills. These events are typically hosted by the Idaho Department of Labor, and offer job seekers the opportunity to meet with hiring managers from a variety of industries, explore job openings, and network with other job seekers.

In addition, Idaho’s hiring events and workshops often include job search workshops and training sessions that can help improve your resume writing, interview skills, and networking abilities. These events are free and open to the public, making them a great resource for anyone looking to take the next step in their career.

Idaho Launch

Idaho Launch is a state-funded program that offers mentorship, training, and funding opportunities to Idaho-based startups. The program is designed to help entrepreneurs turn their ideas into successful businesses by providing access to experienced mentors, education, training programs, and funding opportunities.

Idaho Launch also connects startups with a network of investors, business leaders, and other entrepreneurs to help them navigate the challenges of starting and growing a successful business. In addition, the program offers access to coworking spaces, incubators, and accelerators to provide startups with the resources they need to succeed.


IdahoWorks is a state-run job search website that provides job seekers with a comprehensive list of job opportunities in Idaho. The website allows you to search for job openings by industry, location, and keyword, making it easy to find job opportunities that match your skills and experience.

Additionally, IdahoWorks offers a range of job search resources, including resume writing tips, interview advice, and job market information. The website also provides access to training and education programs, as well as information about Idaho unemployment benefits and other support services.

Next Steps Idaho

Next Steps Idaho is an initiative aimed at helping Idaho students prepare for and succeed in post-secondary education and training. The program provides a range of resources and support services to help students plan their education and career goals, including assistance with college applications, financial aid, and career exploration.

Next Steps Idaho also offers access to free test preparation services, including the ACT and SAT exams, to help students prepare for college entrance exams. Additionally, the program provides career guidance and connects students with mentors and other resources to support their success in post-secondary education.

Veteran Services

Idaho’s Veteran Services program offers a range of career help and resources for veterans seeking employment in the state. The program provides individualized career counseling, job search assistance, and resume writing services to help veterans transition from military to civilian careers.

Additionally, the program offers training and education programs to help veterans develop new skills and certifications in high-demand industries. Idaho’s Veteran Services program also connects veterans with local employers through job fairs, networking events, and other career events.

The program also helps veterans access additional benefits, including education and training programs, disability compensation, and healthcare services.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act is a federal program that provides funding and support to states to help improve workforce development programs and services.

In Idaho, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act is administered by the Department of Labor. The program is focused on providing access to employment and training services for job seekers and employers. WIOA offers a range of resources, including job search assistance, education and training programs, and support services to help job seekers overcome barriers to employment.

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