
Utah Unemployment Eligibility

Utah Unemployment Eligibility

Utah Unemployment Eligibility Calculator

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Utah Unemployment Insurance benefits are available to assist unemployed workers. In order to receive benefits, claimants must meet the eligibility requirements outlined by the Utah Department of Workforce Services.

How to qualify for Utah unemployment benefits

In the state of Utah, the eligibility requirements for unemployment insurance benefits include:

  • You have earned qualifying wages in your base period
  • You are unemployed through no fault of their own
  • You are able and available to work full-time
  • You are actively seeking full-time work

Monetary Eligibility Requirements

The first thing the Utah Department of Workforce Services will look at to determine eligibility is whether you earned enough money during the base period.

The base period is the 18 months preceding the week you apply for benefits. It is the first four out of the past five calendar quarters. The calendar quarters end on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.

If you do not qualify using wages from this base period, you may still qualify for benefits using an “alternate base period,” which is the four most recently completed calendar quarters.

Visit our Utah unemployment calculator to determine whether you are financially eligible for benefits and to estimate your weekly compensation.

Wage Credits

A wage credit is any money earned while working for an employer. You must have earned wages in two or more quarters during your base period. You must also have earned at least 1.5 times the wages you earned during your highest quarter. The minimum amount of money earned must be at least $4,800.

Non-Monetary UI Benefit Eligibility Requirements

Only those who are unemployed through no fault of their own and are willing and capable of accepting full-time work are entitled to receive unemployment compensation. Your eligibility can only be established once you file your initial application and the relevant information is obtained from both you and your former employer.

You are also required to complete the online Work Registration for Job Placement Assistance form with the Department of Workforce Services.

If you reside or move to a state other than Utah, you must register with the nearest Utah job center and provide proof of registration to Workforce Services. If you fail to register within 10 working days of applying for benefits, your benefits may be denied.

How many weeks of Utah unemployment do I qualify for?

To determine the number of weeks you’re eligible to receive benefits, multiply your total wages for insured work paid during the base period by 27% (ignoring any fraction of $1), and then divide by your weekly benefit amount (also ignoring any fraction). You’re guaranteed to receive a minimum of 10 weeks and up to a maximum of 26 weeks of regular benefits.

Maintaining Eligibility

Filing Weekly Claims

After you’ve filed an initial claim, you must file a weekly claim to continue receiving benefits. This requires reporting all work and gross earnings, irrespective of whether or not you’ve been paid yet.

You must also contact four Utah employers and record the results of your work search activity. Failure to file a weekly claim may result in a denial of benefits, payment delay, or possible overpayment/penalties.

Workshops and Assessments

You may also be asked to take part in various job searching activities, such as completing online workshops, attending in-person workshops, or participating in an in-person Re-employment Services and Eligibility Assessment appointment to help you in your job search. If you fail to participate in these activities, it may lead to a denial of benefits.

What is Considered Suitable Work?

The suitability of a job is determined by how long you’ve been unemployed. If you’re looking for work comparable to what you did before you were unemployed, you will be given time to find such a job, provided there is a reasonable expectation of obtaining it.

However, as the duration of your unemployment increases, you’ll be expected to be flexible about your earnings, working conditions, job responsibilities, and the use of your prior training.

Can I Receive Benefits While Self-Employed?

You are required to promptly report any self-employment or commission sales activities to both a Claims Center representative and on your weekly filing. Engaging in such activities, even if you haven’t earned or received any wages, could lead to the rejection of your benefits. Failing to notify a Claims Center representative could result in penalties and overpayments of benefits.

What Would Disqualify Me from the Utah Unemployment Insurance Program?

Even if you meet the earnings threshold, you must meet additional criteria to qualify for an unemployment benefit. If your separation from employment meets the criteria outlined in the Unemployment Insurance law, you will receive benefits for the weeks you claim, provided there are no other issues on your claim.

If your claim is rejected, you will be given a written decision that explains the dates and reasons for the denial. The decision will also contain instructions on how to appeal the decision on time.

You may not receive benefits if:

  • You resigned from or were terminated from your job
  • You are jobless due to a strike
  • You are unable or unwilling to actively seek full-time employment
  • You refuse or neglect to apply for appropriate jobs
  • Your earnings are equal to or exceed your weekly benefit amount (including wages, vacation, holiday, or severance pay)
  • You are self-employed or earn commissions

This list is not exhaustive and there may be other reasons why benefits could be denied.

What can affect my claim for benefits?

Several factors can affect whether you are eligible for benefits. These factors include:

Work availability

To be eligible for benefits, you must be physically and mentally capable of working full time. If you are unable to work due to illness, injury, leave of absence, or any other reason, you may not qualify for benefits during that period.

You are required to notify the Utah Department of Workforce Services if any condition arises that could prevent you from working, accepting work, or seeking full-time employment. This includes but is not limited to: injury, illness, hospitalization, loss of child care, or loss of transportation. If necessary, you may be asked to provide proof of your ability to work, such as a doctor’s statement.

You must be readily available to accept full-time work without unreasonable restrictions on hours, wages, or travel distance.

If your employer is holding your job while you are on an approved leave of absence, you will not be considered available for work.

Vacation, holiday, severance, or separation pay

You are required to report all vacation, holiday, severance, or separation pay you have received or expect to receive, as these payments are generally considered earnings.

If the total amount of such payments received in a week is equal to or greater than your weekly benefit amount, you will not be eligible for waiting-week credit or unemployment insurance program benefits during that week.

Training or school attendance

Your availability for full-time work and eligibility for benefits may be affected if you participate in job training or attend school. You must report any school attendance or training to us when you file your weekly claim, even if it is mandatory training required by your employer.

In certain circumstances, attending school may be approved while receiving benefits, but approval is subject to specific conditions.

Foreign travel

If you are traveling or residing outside of the United States, you may not be eligible for unemployment benefits. You must report any foreign travel when submitting your weekly claim. Failing to notify Utah’s Department of Workforce Services of travel outside the United States may be considered unemployment fraud.


If you become incarcerated, you must notify the Utah Department of Workforce Services immediately. Once notified, Workforce Services will discontinue your unemployment benefits until you notify them of your release. Failing to inform Workforce Services of your incarceration may result in overpayments and penalties.

When do I no longer qualify for Utah Unemployment Benefits?

You no longer qualify for Utah Unemployment benefits after you have received four consecutive weeks of earnings that are equal to or more than your benefit amount, or if you have failed to file a claim for 27 days.

If you find sufficient full-time employment and wish to close out your claim, you can do so by contacting the Claims Center.

If you lose your job again, you will need to open a new claim and start the application process again.

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