
South Carolina Unemployment Job Search Requirements

To remain eligible for benefits, you must search for work each week. Your work search must include at least four job contacts each week.  At least one of your four searches, or job contacts, must be done on SC Works Online Services. If you do not use SC Works Online Services for at least one weekly job search, you will not receive payment.

In order for your online job search to be counted in our system, you must log on to SC Works Online Services with the original username you received when you registered for work as part of filing your initial claim.

If you forget or lose your original username, you can call your local SC Works center or 803-737-2400, Option 1.

If you need to reset your password for your original username, click on the “Forgot username/ password?” link on the SC Works Online Services page.

You must bring the work search form each time you are called into the SC works center for an interview.

Note: Your work searches and accompanying documentation are subject to random audits and verification by DEW. If you do not adhere to the work search policy, you will lose benefit payments.

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