
Louisiana Unemployment Job Search Requirements

To be eligible for benefits each week, you MUST be able to go to work each day. If you were offered a job today, you must be able to accept. You must look for work by contacting at least 3 different employers about job openings during EACH week that you claim benefits. You must contact different employers each week. You should keep a list of your work searches, including the employer’s name, address (mailing, web, or email), phone number, date of contact, person contacted, method of contact, and results.

Union members and those on temporary layoff with a definite date of return may not have to follow this rule.

If you are a member in good standing with a recognized craft union and continue to be available to your union for referrals to jobs, you must satisfy the work search requirement by reporting to your union hall at least once each week and securing a union officer’s signed statement. If your home is more than 20 miles roundtrip from your union hall, you should call the union hall at least once each week. You should keep a record of the call, including the name of the person contacted, date and time of the call.

If you are on temporary layoff from your regular employer with a definite return date (within a six-week period), you will have satisfied the work search requirement if you hold yourself available for re-employment at your last place of employment.

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