
Oregon Unemployment Job Search Requirements

Oregon Unemployment Job Search Requirements

To receive weekly Oregon unemployment benefits, you must maintain certain eligibility requirements. For each week that you claim benefits, you must be:

  • Physically and mentally able to work
  • Available for work
  • Actively seeking work

Oregon unemployment work search requirements

The state of Oregon requires you to perform 5 job search activities each week. Two of the activities must be contacting employers and submitting job applications.

Weekly requirements:

  • 2 job contacts each week
  • 3 additional job activities

Acceptable work search activities include:

  • Applying for a job and making direct contact with an employer
  • Updating your resume
  • Attending job workshops and WorkSource Oregon activities
  • Searching job placement websites or newspaper job listings
  • Business networking

Documenting your work search activities

You must keep track of your weekly work search activities. When you file a weekly claim, you will be required to provide details on your weekly claim about what you did to find work that week. You can use this form to help keep track of your job searches.

You must also document each job application and the employers you contacted.

When reporting your job contacts, be sure to include:

  • Date of contact
  • Job position
  • Company name, phone number, and address
  • Method of communication (phone, online application, email, etc.)
  • Person contacted
  • Results of your contact (hired, not hired, interview, no response, etc.)

If you file your weekly claim online you can enter this information into the Online Claim System (OCS).

Report Work Search Activities

If you file your weekly claim over the phone, you can report your work-search information verbally after answering the weekly claim questions. You will need to give the employer’s name, address, and phone number, as well as the position you applied for or inquired about, the date you contacted them, and how you made contact.

If the work-search activities were not employer contacts, you must provide a detailed explanation of what you did and when. The OED can request more information about your work search activities at any time, and your benefits will stop if these activities are not reported. Please be aware that intentionally submitting incorrect work search information constitutes unemployment fraud and will result in a denial of benefits.

Work registration requirement

As part of Oregon’s eligibility requirements for unemployment benefits, claimants must register with iMatchSkills and complete a reemployment orientation. The OED informs claimants of this requirement when they apply for Oregon unemployment compensation.

During your orientation, Oregon employment specialists will review your recent work-search efforts and offer strategies for finding new work. They can also provide information on local resources and job training opportunities, show you how to access labor market information, and make other referrals or provide information specific to your employment goals.

You can complete the orientation virtually or in person at a WorkSource Oregon office.

What is considered suitable work?

To receive Oregon UI benefits, you must actively seek and accept suitable work. You will lose your benefits if you turn down a job offer for suitable work.

You should search for a job that matches your skills, experience, location, and pay rate for similar work in your area. You should first look for the type of work you normally do, but can also seek other types of work as long as you are qualified and willing to accept the hours and pay rate.

If you can’t find work in your usual field, you should look for other available work that matches your skills and experience. For instance, if you worked as a travel agent and opportunities are scarce in your area, you can seek work in other fields that require similar skills, such as office management, scheduling, customer service, or accounting.

If you’re considering a career change or need training, WorkSource Oregon can provide you with career planning, workshops, and information on job training opportunities.

Job offer scams to watch out for

Job seekers in Oregon need to be careful about a growing trend of employment scams. Scammers are creating fake job offers and websites that look legitimate. They may ask for personal information, such as your Social Security Number or bank account information, which could be used for identity theft or Oregon unemployment fraud.

Here are some warning signs that a job offer may be a scam:

  • You receive a job offer without going through an interview process
  • You are told to pay a fee for employment processing or training
  • You are asked for your personal information for a background check before being hired
  • You receive messages from a webmail account like or rather than from a legitimate company email address
  • You are asked to deposit money into your bank account and wire it to a third party

Oregon Job Training Programs

Training Unemployment Insurance (TUI)

The Training Unemployment Insurance (TUI) program is designed to help workers who have lost their jobs and are unlikely to return to their previous industry. The program offers support to these workers and their families while they gain new skills to re-enter the workforce and advance their careers.

Under the TUI program, eligible workers can receive Oregon unemployment insurance benefits while attending school or receiving training. This program allows them to waive the requirement to look for work or be available for work while attending school full-time.

The TUI program does not actually provide funding for training or schooling. It simply allows you to collect UI benefits while training, and it waives the work search requirement for maintaining unemployment eligibility. Participants can receive up to 26 weeks of regular unemployment insurance benefits, including any available federal or state unemployment extensions.

Until you are approved for the program and attending training full-time, you must still search for work and report job contact when you file your weekly claim.

Once you are approved and attending training full-time, you are no longer required to seek work or be available for work. However, you are responsible for the cost of your training or tuition.

To continue receiving UI benefits while in approved training, you must attend the training full-time each week. You must also file weekly UI claims and provide the OED with a certificate of completion demonstrating satisfactory participation.

Self Employment Assistance (SEA)

The Oregon Self Employment Assistance (SEA) program helps jobless workers start their own businesses. The program provides financial support and resources to eligible participants while they work to establish their businesses.

Eligible individuals can receive unemployment insurance benefits while working full-time on their own business ventures. Participants are allowed to keep any income they earn from their business, in addition to receiving their full weekly unemployment benefits. They are also exempt from the requirement to search for traditional employment while participating in the program.

To be eligible for the SEA program, you must meet certain requirements, such as completing a market feasibility worksheet and developing a written business plan. Applicants must also meet the eligibility requirements for regular unemployment insurance benefits.

The SEA program provides participants with access to training, resources, and technical assistance to help them start and grow their businesses. It provides a valuable resource for those who are interested in owning a business but may not have the financial means to get started independently.

??Oregon Implementation of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

The Oregon Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) helps job seekers gain the skills and credentials they need to succeed in the workforce. It provides funding for job training programs and career services, with a focus on helping individuals with barriers to employment, such as those with disabilities.

Under WIOA, local Oregon job centers provide job search assistance, skills training, career counseling, apprenticeships, and supportive services such as transportation and childcare. The goal is to ensure that Oregonians have access to the resources and support they need to succeed in the workforce, and to help employers find and retain skilled workers.


Oregon apprenticeships are a type of job training program that combines on-the-job training with classroom instruction. Apprenticeships allow participants to earn wages while learning the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in a particular trade or occupation.

The Oregon apprenticeship system is administered by the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI), which works with employers, labor organizations, and educational institutions to provide apprenticeship opportunities across the state. Apprentices receive hands-on training from experienced professionals in the field and attend classroom instruction to supplement their learning.

To become an apprentice, you typically need to be at least 18 years old, have a high school diploma or equivalent, and pass a drug test. You also need to apply to and be accepted into an apprenticeship program, which may have its own specific requirements.

Oregon offers apprenticeship opportunities in a wide range of industries and trades, including construction, healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation. Some of the most popular apprenticeship programs in Oregon include carpentry, electrical work, plumbing, and welding.

You can find available apprenticeships posted at WorkSource Oregon centers, local schools, and community colleges. You can also find apprenticeship opportunities on

Priority of Service for Veterans

If you are a U.S. military veteran or the spouse of a veteran, you may be eligible for Priority of Service. This means that you will have priority over non-veteran applicants with the same qualifications when it comes to job referrals and other employment and training services.

The services available to veterans and their spouses include job search assistance, workshops, resume building, labor market information, career counseling, and referrals, among other resources. The state of Oregon is dedicated to providing veterans and their spouses with the maximum level of employment and training opportunities.

To take advantage of Priority of Service, please identify yourself as a veteran or spouse of a veteran at your local WorkSource center.

Job Opportunity and Basic Skills (JOBS)

The Oregon Job Opportunity and Basic Skills (JOBS) program provides employment and training services to low-income families receiving public assistance. The program is designed to help participants obtain the skills and resources they need to achieve self-sufficiency and economic well-being. The JOBS program provides job search assistance, skills training, education and literacy programs, and other support services.

To be eligible for the JOBS program, participants must be receiving public assistance, such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. Participants must also meet certain other requirements, such as having a child under the age of six, being a single parent, or having a disability.

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