
Tennessee Unemployment Job Search Requirements

The Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development want all unemployment claimants in Tennessee to demonstrate valid work search activity and maintain a work search log. Failure to comply with the new law will result in a loss of benefits.

Documenting 3 work searches each week is must for those receiving unemployment benefits. Labor and Workforce Development will conduct random audits of 1,000 claimants’ work search documentation each week to verify work search activity. If work search claims are found to be fraudulent, the department will stop a claimant’s benefits immediately and can suspend payments for 8 weeks.

A valid search activity is considered as one of the following:

  • Valid job searches/applications as prescribed
  • Completing a job application online in person
  • Submitting your resume/ applying for a particular job as per public notice
  • Visiting with employers directly regarding job openings
  • Submitting job applications with potential employers
  • Taking part in interviews for suitable jobs
  • Registering for jobs with private agencies for employment or hiring
  • Making use of resources available at Tennessee Career Centers
  • Attending seminars/ talks focusing on career guidance/ job hunting or workshops instructing on how to get jobs faster

Your illness or that of a family member or a death in the family does not exclude work searches. If at any time you are unable to complete the required weekly work searches, you must answer “NO” to the related certification question.

Once you resume the TUC Work Search requirement you should go online to reopen your claim.

Weekly TUC Work Search Log records should include a list of all work search contacts made, date of each contact, names and titles of persons contacted, telephone numbers, addresses (mail, e-mail, or Web), and the results of each contact.

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