
Missouri Unemployment Job Search Requirements

Missouri Unemployment Benefits

To collect Missouri unemployment benefits, you must meet certain requirements each week. You will be asked to certify your eligibility when filing your weekly claim. According to Missouri law, you must be willing to work, able to work, and actively seeking work.

The Missouri Department of Labor requires claimants to perform at least three work search activities each week.

These work search activities demonstrate that you are making an effort to secure employment.


There may be circumstances that can waive the work search requirement. Exemptions include situations where you’re enrolled in approved training, have a definite return date from your employer, or are participating in a Shared Work Program.

Documenting your work search activities

It is your responsibility to maintain a record of your work search activities on You can input your work search activities any time throughout the week or when you’re filing your Weekly Request for Payment.

After logging in, select ‘Weekly Request for Payment’ and then ‘Enter Work Search Details’. Don’t forget to hit the ‘Save’ button after each work search activity is entered.

If you don’t complete the required three work search activities, you might lose your benefits. You can update your work search activities at any point during the week, but remember, you still need to file your Weekly Request for Payment once the week is over to receive benefits for that week.

Examples of Acceptable Work Search Activities

Some examples of valid work search activities include:

  • Applying for a job: Submitting a paper application or applying online through a company website both count as a work search activity.
  • Creating a personal user profile on job-search websites: Set up a profile on popular job search websites like LinkedIn where you can browse through job listings, apply for jobs, and be discovered by potential employers. Creating profiles on multiple platforms can maximize your visibility.
  • Part-time employment performed during the week: Working a part time shift counts as a work activity. For example, if you work on Tuesday and Thursday, you’ve completed two work search activities for that week.
  • Responding to a Missouri Job Center work referral: Follow up on job referrals provided by the Missouri Job Center. These referrals are typically tailored to your skills and career interests.
  • Creating a reemployment plan: A reemployment plan involves outlining your steps and strategies to secure a new job. It includes identifying suitable job markets, potential employers, and ways to improve your skills.
  • Participating in a Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) appointment: A RESEA appointment is a mandatory meeting with a career counselor. This counselor can provide personalized advice and resources to aid your job search while assessing your eligibility for different employment opportunities.
  • Participating in online training: Online training courses count towards your weekly work search activities. Each day of training is considered a separate activity.
  • Creating a resume: Crafting a well-written resume is a crucial step in the job search process. A resume should highlight your skills, experience, and accomplishments that make you a suitable candidate for the job.
  • Attending a Job Fair: Job fairs are events where employers and recruiters share information about their companies and job openings. Attending these can be a great way to network and learn about a variety of job opportunities.
  • Attending a job interview: It’s crucial to prepare well for interviews, researching the company beforehand and readying answers for common interview questions.
  • Virtual job interviews: As the world has shifted more towards remote work, virtual job interviews have become common. It’s important to treat these video calls just as seriously as in-person interviews.

These activities count towards the work search requirements for unemployment benefits in Missouri. It’s important to keep track of your activities and report them accurately when filing your Weekly Request for Payment. Report any mistakes to the Missouri DOL to avoid potential issues with unemployment fraud.

When you get a new job

When you get a new full-time job, you can simply stop filing your weekly claims. Your claim will close automatically after 28 days.

Missouri Unemployment Job Training Programs

Many Missouri employers look for employees with more than a high school diploma. Some jobs require training or a special certificate, while others need you to go through programs like vocational rehabilitation or even get a college degree.

If you’re collecting Missouri unemployment benefits or not making enough at your current job, and you’re searching for job openings in areas that are in high demand or growing quickly, you might be eligible for job training assistance. This type of aid can help you develop the skills needed for these high-demand jobs.

Additionally, certain individuals may qualify for support to complete formal education programs. These programs could range from basic math and reading, preparing for the GED or a high school equivalency test, English as a Second Language courses, to training for a specific industry-recognized certificate, or even getting an associate’s or bachelor’s degree.

Here are some job training programs available in Missouri.

On the Job Training

Certain jobs might demand training that goes beyond what you’ve learned in a classroom or from your past work experiences. The goal of hands-on job training is to help people who are unemployed return to work, earn a paycheck, and gain specific job training, guidance, and real work experience.

On the Job Training happens in a real work environment, using the tools, equipment, and materials that employees use when they’re fully trained. After finishing the training program, you’ll be ready for a permanent job placement.

Hands-on job training could be a good option if you:

  • Are open to learning new skills
  • Have a track record of success at work
  • Already have basic job skills
  • Are eager to get back to the workforce

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) allows for a variety of programs to help you get employment, education, training, and the support services you need to do well in the job market.

One of the ways WIOA helps is by offering access to employment services through Missouri Job Centers. Here, job seekers can receive assistance with job searches, resume writing, and interview preparation.

In addition to these services, WIOA also supports various training programs. These programs are designed to equip unemployed workers with new skills or improve existing ones, making them more marketable in today’s competitive job market. This could include vocational rehabilitation or job-specific training programs.

For those who need further education to qualify for certain jobs, WIOA can provide financial aid and other resources to help individuals pursue higher education or continuing education courses.

Mo Heroes Connect (Veterans)

As members of the military community, veterans can access a variety of no-cost services at Missouri Job Centers. These services include career guidance through group or individual counseling to help them make training and career decisions.

Veterans can also receive help with job readiness assessments, such as interviews and testing, as well as referrals to job search tools and training providers.

At Missouri Job Centers, veterans can also access additional services, such as career assessment and counseling, assistance with resumes, cover letters, and interviewing skills. Job placement assistance and job search workshops are also available.

If you’re receiving UI benefits, these job centers can help you fulfill the Missouri work search requirements. You are required to document job contacts when you file your weekly claims.

The Mo Heroes Connect programs offer resources such as Occupational Skills Training and ITAs, On-the-Job Training Programs, and apprenticeships. They may also provide support services to military families having trouble paying bills or providing child support.


A Registered Apprenticeship can prepare workers for jobs while addressing the need for a highly-skilled workforce in businesses. This model is led by employers, providing an “earn while you learn” opportunity.

It blends on-the-job training with job-related education. As your skills improve, so do your wages.

As an apprentice, you can be a new hire or you could be a current employee who requires skill advancement. There are more than 1,300 occupational standards that an employer can select from, or they can decide to create customized standards to suit their needs.

Missouri Apprentice Connect is a great place to find and apply for an apprenticeship. The website makes it easy to find apprenticeship opportunities. You can search for apprenticeships based on your local Missouri Job Center, your skills, and your areas of interest.

Trade Adjustment Assistance

Please note: This program has ended. As of July 1, 2022, the United States Department of Labor is not accepting new applications

The Trade Adjustment Assistance program was designed to help people who lost their jobs because of foreign trade. The program helped affected American workers the chance to get the skills, resources, and support needed to secure jobs in areas that pay well and have a high demand for workers.

The program provided job training, income support, job search and relocation allowances.

As of July 1, 2022, the United States Department of Labor stopped accepting new applications due to the end of the TAA Program.

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