
Wisconsin Unemployment Extension

Wisconsin Unemployment Benefits

The Wisconsin unemployment benefits program will sometimes partner with the federal government to offer Extended Benefits to unemployed individuals who have maxed out their benefits during times of high unemployment or natural disasters.

In the past, the state has also set up its own supplemental benefits program to offer additional benefits to unemployed workers who have exhausted their regular UI benefits, but do not qualify for the federal Extended Benefits programs.

Are Extended Benefits currently available in Wisconsin?

There are no Extended Benefit programs currently available in Wisconsin. Unemployed workers are eligible for 26 weeks of benefits or 40% of their total base period wages—whichever number is smaller. You can use the Wisconsin unemployment calculator to estimate this number.

Wisconsin Supplemental Benefits program

The Wisconsin Supplemental Benefits program is designed to give extra financial support to individuals who already applied for unemployment benefits. It is put in place during times when there are levels of high unemployment. The program provides additional benefits on top of the regular unemployment benefits to help people who are out of work. Its goal is to provide extra money to meet basic needs during challenging economic times. The program’s availability and who can qualify for it depend on the current economic conditions in Wisconsin.

If the federal extended benefit period ends before the claimant’s established benefit year, any remaining supplemental benefits they were entitled to, minus the amount of federal extended benefits received, can be available again to the claimant for the remaining period of their benefit year. However, this is only possible if there is an active Wisconsin supplemental benefit period in effect.

Wisconsin Disaster Unemployment Assistance

The Wisconsin Disaster Unemployment Assistance program is designed to provide financial assistance to individuals who have been directly affected by a major disaster. This program is made available when the President of the United States declares a disaster area and authorizes funding. It is intended to support those who have lost their jobs or become unable to work as a direct result of the disaster.

Eligible individuals can receive temporary unemployment insurance benefits to help cover their living expenses during the recovery period. Wisconsin Disaster Unemployment Assistance offers a vital safety net for individuals who have been impacted by a disaster, providing them with financial support while they navigate through the challenges brought on by the disaster.

Wisconsin Trade Adjustment Assistance

The Trade Adjustment Assistance program is designed to assist workers who have lost their jobs because of competition from other countries. This can include situations where work is moved outside of the United States. The Trade Adjustment Assistance program offers various benefits and services to help workers recover from their job loss and find new employment opportunities.

To begin the process, a petition can be filed by the employees, a union representative, the company, or job center staff. The U.S. Department of Labor then reviews the petition and investigates if job losses have occurred or are likely due to outsourcing or foreign imports. Once the group is certified by the U.S. Department of Labor, individuals can apply for the Trade Assistance Adjustment program through the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. The Department of Workforce Development will assess individual eligibility and provide program benefits and services through job center locations in the state.

The Trade Adjustment Assistance program aims to make the transition after job loss easier by offering support for skill development and assistance in finding good-paying, full-time employment opportunities.

CARES Act and American Rescue Plan

The CARES Act and the American Rescue Plan were two major pieces of legislation enacted by the United States government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The CARES Act, passed in March 2020, aimed to provide emergency economic relief to individuals, businesses, and healthcare systems affected by the pandemic. It included provisions such as stimulus payments, expanded unemployment benefits, and financial assistance for small businesses.

The American Rescue Plan, passed in March 2021, built upon the CARES Act by providing additional funding for vaccine distribution, direct payments to individuals, support for schools and healthcare, and aid to state and local governments to aid in recovery from the pandemic.

The state of Wisconsin received significant financial aid through the CARES Act and the American Rescue Plan to address various challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Under the CARES Act, Wisconsin received approximately $2 billion in federal funding. This funding was allocated to support various sectors, including healthcare, education, small businesses, and unemployment benefits. The state used these funds to enhance testing and contact tracing efforts, provide economic relief to businesses, and expand unemployment insurance programs to assist individuals affected by job losses.

Additionally, the American Rescue Plan provided Wisconsin with approximately $3.2 billion in federal assistance. This funding has been utilized to support vaccination distribution, further economic recovery, and aid in the reopening of schools. The state also allocated a portion of the funds to address housing and rental assistance, food security, and infrastructure projects.

The CARES Act and American Rescue Plan created multiple extended unemployment programs, including:

Federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance

The Federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program provided unemployment benefits to individuals who were not traditionally eligible for regular WI unemployment insurance, such as self-employed workers, independent contractors, and gig economy workers.

Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation

The Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) program was created to provide additional support to individuals who had exhausted their regular unemployment benefits. It extended the duration of unemployment benefits, allowing eligible individuals to receive additional weeks of financial assistance.

Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation

The Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) program in Wisconsin provided an additional $600 per week in unemployment benefits to eligible individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was a temporary federal program aimed at providing financial support to those who were impacted by job loss or reduced work hours due to the pandemic.

Mixed Earnings Unemployment Compensation

The Mixed Earnings Unemployment Compensation program provided additional benefits to individuals who had both traditional employment wages and self-employment income. It allowed individuals who lost their traditional employment due to the COVID-19 pandemic to receive additional compensation for their mixed earnings.

The MEUC program bridged the gap for those who relied on a combination of traditional employment and self-employment, ensuring they received financial support during challenging economic times.

Wisconsin’s participation in these programs ended on September 4, 2021

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