
Minnesota Unemployment Weekly Claims

The first step to get Minnesota unemployment benefits is apply for it. Once you apply for a benefit account, your case will be verified and your eligibility status will be notified with in a week. Once you are termed eligible, you will proceed to the next step which is fulfilling weekly requirements.

You have to fulfill weekly requirements without which you will not be paid any benefit amount. In short, once you are termed eligible to obtain benefits, each week you have to file a claim / certify after fulfilling the requirements. Minnesota weekly unemployment claims are in place to ensure only genuine applicants receive benefits and to drive them to get a job soon as these benefits are temporary.

To be eligible for benefits for any week, you must:

  • Submit a timely request for Benefit Payment.
  • Be able and willing to immediately accept work in your usual occupation or other suitable employment.
  • Seek work and be willing to accept the hours, wage, commuting distance and other conditions of employment that are normal for someone in your occupation with your skills and experience.

You are not eligible for weeks you:

  • Are traveling outside your commuting area, unless it is to actively seek work.
  • Have a medical condition or other circumstances that prevent you from working or looking for work.

You must actively look for work even if you have a part-time job or expect to return to a seasonal job. You must make a serious effort to find work every week you make a request for benefit payment.

If you are taking classes, you must continue to seek work and be willing to rearrange or quit classes if necessary to accept work. The work search requirement for full-time students may be waived if the Unemployment Insurance Program makes a determination that you need the training to re-enter the job market. High school students are not eligible for unemployment benefits.

Not sure if you qualify for unemployment benefits? Click here.
How to apply

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