
Massachusetts Unemployment Extension

On January 2, 2013 Congress passed the Tax Relief Extension Act. This law will extend Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) benefits until the end of 2013. If you are presently getting EUC benefits, please continue claiming benefits weekly to ensure timely payment. Please note that this Act does not provide additional weeks to claimants who have already claimed all of their EUC benefits.

Claimants who begin an EUC Tier I claim on or after September 2, 2012 are now eligible for a maximum of 14 weeks of benefits on Tier I. These claimants will continue to be eligible for EUC Tier I benefits until their eligibility is either exhausted or until the final payable week of December 28, 2013, whichever occurs first.

Claimants who began an EUC Tier I claim before September 2, 2012 will continue to be eligible for up to 20 weeks of benefits on Tier I. These claimants will continue to be eligible for EUC Tier I benefits until those benefits are exhausted or until the final payable week of December 28, 2013, whichever occurs first.

Program Number of Weeks Program End Date/Application Deadline Last Payable Week
EUC Tier 1 On or after 9/2/12  up to 14 wksBefore 9/2/12 – up to 20 wks Claimants must exhaust Regular UI on or before 12/21/13.  12/28/2013
 EUC Tier II  Up to 14 weeks Claimants must exhaust Tier I on or before the week ending 12/21/13.  12/28/2013
 EUC Tier III  Up to 13 weeks The week ending 06/23/12is the last week in which claimants can exhaust Tier II and establish eligibility on Tier III.  12/28/2013

Federal-State Extended Benefits Program (EB)

Federal or State Extended Benefits Program (EB) is a supplemental program that pays extended compensation, during a period of specific high unemployment. The EB Program has triggered off in Massachusetts effective March 8, 2012.



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