
Maryland Unemployment Extension

The United States Congress has extended the current provisions of the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) Program until January 1, 2014. Congress did not add any extra weeks of benefits for claimants who have tired all eligibility for EUC benefits.

The number of weeks of EUC benefits is altered due to a reduction in Maryland’s unemployment rate. Know all about extension here.

Number of Weeks of EUC Benefits

Due to a decrease in Maryland’s unemployment rate, federal law now requires that Maryland remove a “tier” of EUC benefits. Total amounts of EUC benefits must be reduced by 9 weeks for the majority of individuals filing for EUC benefits. The reductions are based on the number of weeks of EUC benefits each claimant has received with the payment for the claim week ending January 5, 2013.

All claimants who are presently filing for EUC benefits have had their EUC balances adjusted based on the number of weeks of EUC they have collected after the payment for the claim week ending January 5, 2013.

Beginning January 17, 2013, letters are being mailed to existing EUC claimants whose balances have been reduced. Each letter states the claimant’s total number of weeks of EUC benefits and his or her remaining balance. Claimants who are not affected by these changes will not be getting letters.

Claimants who are now exhausting all 26 weeks of Maryland regular unemployment insurance benefits and file initial claims for EUC benefits may be entitled to obtain up to 28 weeks of EUC benefits. The benefits may be payable as long as claimants remain jobless and meet the eligibility requirements of the law.


What next?

Apply for benefits
Calculate your benefit amount
Weekly claim requirements

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