
Maryland Unemployment Weekly Claims

If you file an unemployment insurance claim against the State of Maryland, you must file continued claims for each week of unemployment for which you are requesting UI benefits. You may file your continued claims by telephone (Telecert) or Internet (Webcert). Usually you file a continued claim once every two weeks, which covers a two-week period. However, for the first week of benefits, the continued claim will only cover a one-week period.

It is your duty to keep track of the weeks for which you are requesting payment and to file those continued claims by telephone or internet timely. Failure to file your continued claims timely causes a delay in benefits and may result in denial of benefits also.

If your continued claims are filed properly and have been accepted over the telephone or internet, you will receive a processing number. In case you do not get a processing number, the continued claim has not been accepted.

If this occurs, you must contact the Claimant Information Service immediately in order to make certain continued payment of benefits. Don’t wait. To be considered timely, your continued claim must be filed within 14 days from the Saturday of the most recent week for which you are requesting benefits.


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