
Maryland Unemployment Job Search Requirements

Active Work Search

If you receive unemployment benefits, you must be keenly looking for work the entire time. The Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulations (DLLR) needs that you do a legal work search for employment that you could perform and that you accept any reasonable offer of work.

Keep accurate records of your job search, including the contact, the date and the job description. The DLLR may ask for your job search information at any time, and you should present it to continue collecting benefits. If you are offered work and turn it down, you must report it when you file your claim for your next payment. The DLLR will validate the information to decide if the offer was reasonable or not. You will have to claim benefits each week you are unemployed. This is called weekly claims.


More on Maryland unemployment –

Apply for unemployment benefits
Calculate benefit pay
Unemployment extension in the state of Maryland if you exhaust regular state unemployment compensation

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