
Virginia Unemployment Job Search Requirements

  • You should work all available hours.
  • You must not miss work to report on your claim.
  • You must work all hours offered to you or else you may be held ineligible for benefits.
  • You must report all earnings from your regular employer and from any other employers for which you worked during each week claimed.
  • You must report any offers of employment.

If by Friday of any week you had zero earnings because no work was offered to you by your partial employer, then you are needed to:

  • File a total claim online
  • Or by phone (calling 1-866-832-2363)

Register for employment services on the Virginia Workforce Connection, and conduct an active search for work during that Friday and Saturday.

You must fulfill all the job search requirements every week, and provide a weekly certification to tell the unemployment office that you are meeting all of the requirements. Ensure to have your job search record up to date, as you may be called into the unemployment office for a periodic eligibility review.

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