
New Mexico Unemployment Calculator

New Mexico Unemployment Benefits

New Mexico Unemployment Benefits Calculator

Disclaimer: The estimates are good in faith and accuracy is not guaranteed. We are not liable for any loss and damages caused by using the tools on our website. This calculator is here to assist you in evaluating what you might obtain if you are entitled to receive benefits. We make no promises that the sum you receive will be equal to what the calculator illustrates.

If you are thinking about applying for New Mexico unemployment benefits, you can use the New Mexico Unemployment Calculator to estimate how much money you may be eligible to receive in weekly benefits.

Please keep in mind that this tool only gives an estimate; it does not guarantee that you will receive benefits.

How are New Mexico unemployment benefits calculated?

When you submit your application for unemployment benefits, the money you will be paid every week is referred to as your “weekly benefit amount.” This amount is calculated by taking 53.5% of your average weekly wage in the highest quarter of your base period.

The state of New Mexico also awards a dependent allowance of $25 for each unemancipated child under the age of 18, for a maximum of two children. You must provide at least 51% of the financial support to claim the dependent, and the dependent allowance portion of your unemployment insurance benefits cannot exceed 50% of your weekly benefit amount.

The maximum weekly benefit amount with two dependents is $565. You cannot earn more than this, no matter how much your previous income was or how many dependents you have. The minimum weekly benefit amount with no dependents is $96.

For example, if your average weekly wage is $1,000, your weekly benefit amount would be $535. If you had one dependent, that amount would go up to $560.

How many weeks do I get New Mexico unemployment benefits?

If you apply for UI benefits, your claim will be considered valid for one year starting from the week you apply. It is important to know that during your benefit year, you can only receive unemployment compensation for up to 26 weeks.

What is a base period?

In New Mexico, your base period is the first four out of the last five worked calendar quarters before you filed your claim. The New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions will send you a monetary determination letter outlining your wages during the base period, as well as the weekly benefit amount you are entitled to receive.

Are Extended Benefits available?

New Mexico does not currently offer Extended Benefits. Generally, Extended Benefits are triggered when the unemployment rate hits a specific point. Sometimes, they may also be offered after a natural disaster (Disaster Unemployment Assistance) or during times when the economy is unstable, like during a pandemic.

Can I work part time and receive benefits?

The amount of money you make and the number of hours you work will affect your UI benefits. You can work for an employer part-time and receive benefits, but you need to be ready and willing to accept a permanent job that requires at least 20 hours of work per week.

You can earn up to 20% of your weekly benefit amount without it affecting your payment. However, if you make more than 20% of your benefit amount, your payment will be reduced dollar for dollar until you no longer qualify for UI benefits.

How do I get paid?

When filing for unemployment benefits, you have two options when it comes to receiving payments:

The first option is direct deposit. You will need a U.S. checking or savings account and the nine-digit routing number, account number, and account type of your bank or credit union. It can take up to a week for the department to verify your direct deposit information.

The second option is a Wells Fargo debit card. If you don’t opt for direct deposit, The New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions will send your payment to a Visa debit card from Wells Fargo Bank. Your card will be valid for three years. If you haven’t received benefits with this debit card before, your card and instruction packet will arrive seven to 10 days after the department sends your first payment to Wells Fargo.

Can I change my payment method?

If you want to change your payment method, you can do so online by logging into your Unemployment Insurance Tax & Claims System account. Once you’ve logged in, click the umbrella icon for Unemployment Insurance Benefits, then select “View and Maintain Account Information,” and then “Payment Method Options and Tax Information.” Choose the payment option you prefer.

To make sure that your payment is sent to the correct account, the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions suggests changing your payment method at least 24 hours before you complete your weekly certification. This gives the system enough time to update your information before sending out your payment.

How do I check the status of my payments?

To find out the status of your unemployment benefit payment, go to your Unemployment Insurance claim homepage and click on the “Payment History” link.

If the status shows “Submitted,” it means you have certified for that week and are awaiting payment. If the status shows “Paid,” then the payment has been sent to your bank.

There are a few reasons why you might not see your benefit payment in your account, such as your bank rejecting or returning the payment, or outstanding issues on your claim that need to be resolved by our adjudication team. Additionally, it can take up to three business days for a payment to reach your account after it’s been submitted.

If you change your payment information on the same day you submitted a weekly claim, the payment may have been sent to your previous payment account.