What Are the Easiest VA Disability Claims?

If you’ve heard about the difficulties that can come with winning a disability claim through the U.S. Veterans Administration, you may be wondering which VA disability claims are the easiest to win. The answer is always the claim with the strongest medical evidence.

To improve your chances of approval, it’s also useful to understand the types of disability claims that the VA most commonly approves. By comparing your current medical condition to these commonly approved claims, you can better assess the strength of your own claim.

10 Common VA Disability Claims

  1. Migraine
  2. Tinnitus
  3. Limited ankle motion
  4. Limited knee flexion
  5. Limited arm motion
  6. Lumbosacral or cervical sprain
  7. Sciatic nerve paralysis
  8. Hearing loss
  9. Burns or scars of at least second degree
  10. Post-traumatic stress disorder

Over five million U.S. veterans currently receive benefits related to a service-connected disability claim. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs processes more than 1.5 million new disability claims each year.

Top 10 Common VA Disability Claims

When filing a VA disability claim, the strength of medical evidence is crucial. The clearer the evidence, the easier it is for the VA to approve the claim. Knowing which medical conditions the VA most commonly approves can help strengthen your claim.


Migraines are a common condition among U.S. veterans filing disability claims, with over 44,000 claims approved each year. A diagnosis from a migraine specialist or physician, along with documentation of the frequency, severity, and duration of migraines, is necessary for approval. The highest rating the VA assigns for migraines is 50%.


Tinnitus, a ringing in the ears, is a common condition among veterans, with nearly 168,000 claims approved each year. The VA typically rates tinnitus at 10%.

Limited Ankle Motion

Limited ankle motion can be a challenging condition for veterans, often developing from ankle injuries that didn’t heal correctly. Nearly 53,000 disability claims related to limited ankle motion are approved each year, with a typical disability rating of 10% or 20%. Signs of ankle instability, discomfort or pain, and a general feeling of instability while walking are necessary for the claim.

Limited Knee Flexion

Limited range of motion in the knee is a common problem for U.S. veterans. The VA approves over 105,000 VA disability claims each year for this condition. Veterans who have trouble bending and flexing their knees may experience pain and difficulty walking. VA disability ratings for limited knee flexion range from 0 to 30%.

Limited Arm Motion

Shoulder injuries sustained during military service can often lead to issues with limited arm motion. Veterans may experience shoulder dislocation, rotator cuff tears, and other injuries that can result in shoulder joints that don’t allow full mobility of the arm. The VA approves approximately 69,000 disability claims each year related to shoulder and arm mobility. VA ratings for this type of disability range from 0% to 70%, depending on the specific condition and its severity.

Lumbosacral or Cervical Sprain

Chronic back pain is a common issue for many U.S. veterans. This pain can be caused by an injury sustained during military service or from the physical demands of the job. The VA approves nearly 79,000 disability claims each year related to lumbosacral or cervical sprain, which occurs when the ligaments, tendons, or muscles of the low back or neck are stretched to the point of tearing. Common symptoms include pain, limited range of motion, and difficulty bending. VA disability ratings for lumbosacral or cervical sprain range from 10% to 100%, depending on the severity of the condition.

Sciatic nerve damage

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body and damage to it can cause several symptoms including pain, tingling, burning, and numbness. It can also lead to difficulty walking and even paralysis. The VA approves over 45,000 disability claims related to sciatic nerve damage each year, with ratings ranging from 10% to 80% depending on the severity.

Hearing loss

U.S. soldiers are frequently exposed to loud noises and chaotic environments during their time of service which can result in hearing loss. The VA approves over 63,000 disability claims for hearing loss each year and it is estimated that more than 2.7 million veterans receive benefits for hearing loss and tinnitus. Most hearing loss claims receive a 10% rating, though higher ratings are possible.

Burns or scars of at least second degree

Over 64,000 new veterans begin receiving VA disability benefits each year due to burns or scars. The VA considers several factors when reviewing a claim of this type, including the size, severity, and location of the burn or scar and its effect on range of motion or underlying tissue loss. In general, the VA assigns a disability rating ranging from 0% to 80%. The level of disfigurement is also considered when assigning a disability rating, such as skin color, texture, and overall elasticity.

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Many U.S. veterans experience trauma during their military service that may result in long-term post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Symptoms include reliving triggering events, emotional avoidance or numbness, difficulty sleeping, generalized anxiety, and becoming easily angered. PTSD can have a significant impact on a veteran’s quality of life.

The VA approves about 49,000 new PTSD disability claims each year. Ratings range from 0% for cases with mild and manageable symptoms to 100% for cases in which the veteran is completely impaired and unable to function in everyday life. However, a 100% rating for PTSD is extremely rare. On average, veterans approved for VA disability benefits for service-connected PTSD are rated at the 70% level. This rating reflects symptoms severe enough to impair the veteran’s success in areas including work, school, personal relationships, judgment, cognitive ability, and overall mood.

How To Qualify for VA Disability Benefits

The process of qualifying for VA disability benefits can be lengthy and challenging, so it’s helpful to seek assistance from a Veterans Service Organization or a disability attorney. These experts can help you evaluate the strength of your claim and gather the necessary documentation.

To establish a strong claim, a solid medical diagnosis is crucial. The VA requires clear documentation of your medical condition, including test results and formal medical opinions from a respected medical professional. Providing as much medical evidence as possible can strengthen your case and increase your disability rating.

In addition, you must establish a service connection between your medical condition and your time of military service. This can be challenging, especially for conditions that developed over time. You can submit a statement, as well as statements from friends and family or official documentation, to support your claim.

The VA also looks for a medical nexus, which is a clear connection between your military service and your current medical condition. A letter of opinion from a medical professional can strengthen your claim, and you may be required to complete a Compensation and Pension examination with a VA-contracted medical professional. With strong documentation and a clear service connection, you can increase your chances of receiving the disability benefits you deserve.

Winning Your VA Disability Claim

Being awarded VA disability benefits can be a challenging and complex process. To make it easier for VA reviewers to see the connection between your disability and your time of service, it’s important to understand the types of disabilities that are most common among U.S. veterans and how the VA assigns disability ratings.

If you have a disability that aligns with any of the conditions and situations described here, consider working with a VA disability lawyer to gather strong documentation to support your claim. At the end of the day, the easiest claim to win is the claim backed by strong evidence.