
Alaska Unemployment Fraud

Alaska Unemployment Fraud

Trying to get Alaska unemployment benefits you’re not eligible for can result in severe consequences. UI fraud involves lying, hiding information, or providing false information on your weekly claim to get benefits. It can also include forms of identity theft if someone applies for benefits using someone else’s name. Employers can commit unemployment fraud as well, by falsifying the reason for job separation or intentionally categorizing an employee as a contract worker to avoid paying benefits.

Unemployment fraud is wrong because it’s a misuse of public funds that are intended to help unemployed workers who are genuinely in need of assistance. It is essentially stealing from Alaska employers and other employees. It also undermines the integrity of the United States unemployment insurance system and can have legal consequences, such as fines and imprisonment.

Penalties for committing UI fraud in Alaska

If you commit Alaska unemployment insurance fraud, any benefit received during the fraudulent period must be repaid with a 50% penalty. You will also lose eligibility for future benefits, with a disqualification of at least 6 weeks for each affected week, up to a maximum of 52 weeks.

In cases of significant fraudulent overpayment, the case may be referred for criminal prosecution and result in jail time and fines, in addition to administrative penalties and disqualification.

You must repay the benefits and could face a 50% penalty. Additionally, future benefits may be denied and fraud cases can lead to fines, jail time, and criminal charges.

How to report Alaska unemployment fraud

To report fraud, you can contact in the following ways:

Email: [email protected]

Fax: (907) 269-4835
Phone: (907) 269-4880
Toll-free: (877) 272-4635

You can also download an Alaska fraud reporting form which you can then fax or email.

Alaska Unemployment Overpayments

Unemployment overpayments in Alaska occur when claimants receive more unemployment compensation that they should have received. This can happen when the recipient provides false information, conceals information, or otherwise misrepresents their eligibility. It can also happen by mistake. Overpayment benefits must be repaid to the unemployment insurance program and can result in additional penalties and consequences.

How do I pay back the overpayment?

You can repay overpayments by calling (888) 810-6789 and providing a debit/credit card. Or send a check or money order to:

DOLWD/Employment and Training Services
Audit and Recovery, BPC
P.O. Box 115505
Juneau, AK 99811

You can also pay in person at one of the office locations in Anchorage, Juneau, and Fairbanks. Please contact the office before making an in-person payment.

UI Overpayment Waivers

If you are unable to pay back the overpayment, you may be eligible for a waiver. You have 30 days from the date of your notice to request a waiver from an unemployment insurance claim center.

Fill out the Overpayment Waiver Application, then fax or email the form to:

Email: [email protected]

Fax: (907) 465-6010

A specialist at the unemployment office will review your request and contact you regarding a decision.

How is Alaska unemployment fraud detected?

The Alaska Dept. of Labor has several ways to detect UI benefits fraud that can compare your wage data to the information provided by your employer.

Other ways to detect fraud include:

  • Employer new hire reports
  • Public tips submitted by Alaska employees and employers
  • Referrals from claim centers
  • Cross-matches with other government records

Alaska Unemployment Identity Theft

Another form of unemployment fraud is identity theft. This serious crime is unfortunately all too common. Criminals will file for unemployment assistance using someone else’s stolen personal information.

How to report UI identity theft in Alaska

Report identity theft to Alaska’s UI fraud unit by emailing [email protected] or by calling (877) 272-4635.

Most victims of identity theft are unaware of fraudulent claims made or unemployment benefits collected in their names. They often only discover the theft through mail such as an incorrect payment or tax form for benefits not received.

Keep an eye out for the following signs of identity theft:

  • Unexpected mail from a UI claim center or other government agency regarding unemployment claims or payments
  • Receipt of a 1099-G tax form with incorrect information, such as a weekly payment you did not receive or a benefit amount higher amount than recorded. Tip: Use the Alaska unemployment calculator to double check unemployment compensation amounts.
  • A notice from your employer while you are still employed about an unemployment claim in your name

How to protect yourself from identity theft in Alaska

Tips to prevent identity theft:

  • Shred sensitive documents and mail
  • Keep PIN concealed when using your debit card
  • Ignore emails asking for personal information. will never ask you for personal information over email.
  • Keep personal information secure, only sharing with trusted individuals. Protect your Social Security number by storing it safely instead of carrying it with you.
  • Never give personal information to callers, even if they claim it’s about your Alaska unemployment insurance benefits
  • Use strong passwords and don’t use the same password over and over