How much unemployment will I get if I make $13 an hour?

How much unemployment will I get if I make $13 an hour?

If you make $13 per hour and lose your job through no fault of your own, your state might provide you with unemployment payments. How much money will you receive if you earn $13 per hour? The answer depends on where you live. Each state decides how much to pay and for how long.

These examples show how unemployment benefits can vary from state to state:

Alabama Unemployment Calculator
If you make $13 per hour in Alabama, your estimated weekly benefit is $275 for up to 20 weeks.
California Unemployment Calculator
If you make $13 per hour in California, your estimated weekly benefit is $450 for up to 26 weeks.
Minnesota Unemployment Calculator
If you make $13 per hour in Minnesota, your estimated weekly benefit is $259 for up to 26 weeks.
Pennsylvania Unemployment Calculator
If you make $13 per hour in Pennsylvania, your estimated weekly benefit is $266 for up to 26 weeks.

Select your state to calculate your weekly unemployment payment:

$13.00 an hour is…

$13.00 an hour Income
Daily (8 hours) $104.00
Weekly (40 hours) $520.00
Biweekly (80 hours) $1,040.00
Monthly (173 hours) $2,249.00
Quarterly (3 months) $6,747.00
Yearly (52 weeks) $27,040.00

How much is $13 per hour?

If you make $13 per hour, that’s almost twice the national minimum wage. But will it cover your weekly, monthly, and quarterly expenses? In order to find that out, we need to do some calculating. We’ll provide you with some examples, but in order to know your own numbers, you’ll have to break out a calculator and get to work. It’s time to really confront your purchasing power beyond numbers like your hourly wage or gross annual income. Let’s see what $13 per hour can do.

$13 per hour is how much per month?

Your work week may be different from the number we use, but to keep things simple, we’re just going to use the old 40 hour work week. But wait…don’t just multiply that by four to get your monthly work hours. No month really has exactly four weeks. Instead, first get your annual work hours:

40 hours per week x 52 weeks in a year = 2080 hours annually

Now split that into 12 for a true monthly average:

2080 hours annually / 12 months = 173 hours per month

Bring in your hourly wage:

$13 x 173 hours = $2,249

$13 per hour is $2,249 per month.

As an example of figuring out reasonable expenses, you can take a look at housing costs. Whether you rent or own, your housing costs (including taxes and insurance, if it’s a mortgage) should not exceed 33% of your income. At $13 per hour, you’re looking at $742 per month. Anything beyond that is going to be tight.

While that number may seem limiting, consider that there are many places in the country where this number works. There are 31 states where you could easily get a one bedroom apartment, including Ohio, Illinois, and North and South Carolina. And there are seven states where it would not be hard to rent a two bedroom unit for the same money. You just have to do research.

$13 an hour is how much per week?

To calculate your weekly earnings, take $13 and multiply it by 40 hours (or however many hours you work per week). This math is simple enough if you multiply your hourly wage by your work hours. For our calculations, we’ll use the standard 40-hour week.

40 x $13 = $520

$13 per hour is $520 per week.

One expense you should consider is grocery shopping. This will also relate to how many people are in your home. If you live in Texas, groceries are usually $66 per person per week. If you live in New York, groceries are around $111 per person. If you live in California, they are around $85 per person. And there are lots of different numbers in-between.

$13 an hour is how much per year?

Multiply your weekly wages by the number of weeks in a calendar year.

$520 x 52 = $27,040

$13 per hour is $27,040 per year.

Speaking of groceries as an expense, in most states this number is going to qualify you for SNAP benefits (food stamps). Don’t be afraid to take assistance when you need it. It’s important to take a look at the purchasing power of your wages and be realistic about how many expenses you can cover reasonably.

$13 an hour is how much per day?

Wondering how much you take home each day? Just multiply your hourly wage by your daily work hours. If you’re working 40 hours each week, 5 days a week, that should be 8 hours.

40 hours weekly / 5 days a week = 8 hour work days

Now bring your $13 wage into the formula:

$13 x 8 = $104

$13 per hour is $104 per day.

In New York, that’s one week of groceries for you, while in Texas it’s one week of groceries and enough left over for a dinner date. Again, it all depends where you live and the costs there.

$13 an hour is how much per quarter?

A quarter is three months, like Q4 (the fourth quarter) of October, November, and December. Just multiply your monthly income by three to get your quarterly income:

$2,768 x 3 months = $2,249

$13 per hour is $2,249 per quarter.

If you are meeting your monthly expenses and budgeting so you have a little left over, at the end of every quarter you should be able to meet some seasonal costs like holiday shopping or a small summer vacation. At times like these, it can be tempting to use credit to bridge the gap to what you want. But remember you will have to pay for it later. At $13 per hour, you need to see if your leftover income can cover that credit card bill.

$13 an hour is how much biweekly?

Biweekly means every two weeks. To calculate $13/hour to biweekly pay, simply multiply your weekly income by two. Keep in mind that this is your gross pay before paying taxes.

$520 each week x 2 = $1,040

$13 per hour is $1,040 bi-weekly.

A good rule of thumb in life is pay yourself first, no matter how much you make. That means, for example, taking 10% of your paycheck and investing it toward the future for retirement. In this case, that would be around $104 each paycheck.

Finance Apps To Help You Budget

It may seem hard to budget if you’re making $13 per hour, but where there is a will, there is a way. Finance apps can help you manage your money.

One of the most highly rated apps for budgeting is Mint (Apple | Android). Mint will allow you to create categories for your budget, set limits for these categories, and notify you when you’re coming close to the limit. Seeing that notification can help you when you’re at the grocery store and have forgotten how much you’ve already spent on food this month. Mint can link up to your checking accounts, debit and credit cards, and more to help you keep track.

Getting cash back can also help stretch your budget. But many times, you need a credit card to do this. Or do you? Digital banks like those behind Robinhood (Apple | Android) will often give you great cash back deals. In the case of Robinhood, you’ll get roundups of your purchases with as much as a 40% bonus. That money goes into a stock of your choice. You can let that stock grow or cash it out at any time for additional purchases.

As mentioned, part of budgeting is making sure you have money left over for the future. Someday you won’t be able to work, and relying on Social Security alone can be tricky. Apps like Acorns (Apple | Android) round up every purchase and put it into a brokerage account where it can grow your retirement.