How much unemployment will I get if I make $12.50 an hour?

How much unemployment will I get if I make $12.50 an hour?

If you make $12.50 an hour, your weekly unemployment benefit amount will different depending on where you live. Factors such as your work history and recent income also affect your unemployment payment. When determining these numbers, the state bases the calculations on something called the base period, which is usually the first four of the last five earning quarters.

Check out these examples that show how state unemployment benefits can vary:

Nevada Unemployment Calculator
If you make $12.50 per hour in Nevada, your estimated weekly benefit is $259 for up to 26 weeks.
New Hampshire Unemployment Calculator
If you make $12.50 per hour in New Hampshire, your estimated weekly benefit is $64 for up to 26 weeks.
Kentucky Unemployment Calculator
If you make $12.50 per hour in Kentucky, your estimated weekly benefit is $311 for up to 24 weeks.
Vermont Unemployment Calculator
If you make $12.50 per hour in Vermont, your estimated weekly benefit is $288 for up to 26 weeks.

Select your state to calculate your weekly unemployment payment:

$12.50 an hour is…

$12.50 an hour Income
Daily (8 hours) $100.00
Weekly (40 hours) $500.00
Biweekly (80 hours) $1,000.00
Monthly (173 hours) $2,162.50
Quarterly (3 months) $6,487.50
Yearly (52 weeks) $26,000.00

How much is $12.50 per hour?

If you’re making $12.50 an hour, you might be interested to see how much that amounts to per day, week, month, and year. Knowing these numbers will help you know how well you can meet your financial obligations on a weekly, monthly, and annual basis.

$12.50 per hour is how much per month?

Work weeks vary from person to person. But the average full-time employee works around 40 hours each week. That said, we will use that number to figure out your monthly income first. Hold your horses…it’s not 40 x 4…because no month really has four exact weeks. First, take the number of hours you work, and the number of weeks per year:

40 x 52 = 2080 hours annually

Now you are going to take that total annual number and divide it by the number of months.

2080 hours per year / 12 months = 173 hours per month

It’s true that some months have 30 days, some have 31, and February has 28. But on average, there are 173 hours per month, which gives us a good indicator of your monthly wage.

$12.50 x 173 hours = $2,162.50

$12.50 per hour is $2,162.50 per month.

It’s this number you can use to assess how well you can meet monthly obligations like housing, your car payment, and insurance.

$12.50 an hour is how much per week?

To convert $12.50 per hour to a weekly wage, you will take your hours worked per week and multiply that by your hourly rate.

40 x $12.50 = $500

$12.50 per hour is $500 per week.

In most states, a single person needs between $75 and $105 for groceries. If you’re making $12.50 per hour, you should have money left over to go towards other fixed expenses (like housing) and discretionary purchases like entertainment.

$12.50 an hour is how much per year?

All you need to do is take your weekly income (calculated above) and multiply it by the number of weeks in a year, which is 52.

$500 x 52 weeks = $26,000

$12.50 per hour is $26,000 per year.

Taking a realistic look at things, this number is going to mean a tight budget in most states, unless you are taking full advantage of social services like food stamps and medical assistance. However, if your household is a dual income household, and your partner is earning the same amount of money or more (or even a little less) you could be in the clear if you’re living realistically within your means (more on that in our conclusion).

$12.50 an hour is how much per day?

It’s nice to know how much you’re making per day. Of course, that depends on how many hours you’re working. For most employed Americans, it averages around 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. In fact, if you’re employed by a large company they will probably be pretty strict about work hours.

So take your hourly wage and multiply it by 8 to find out how much is in your pocket at the end of every work day.

$12.50 x 8 = $100

$12.50 per hour is $100 per day.

It’s kind of neat if you think about it…every day you’re walking away with a clean and even Benjamin. In theory, of course. In reality, you will have to send a little over seven percent of that back to the government for FICA taxes.

$12.50 an hour is how much per quarter?

To get a quarterly calculation, take your monthly income and multiply it by three.

$2,162.50 x 3 months = $6,487.50

$12.50 per hour is $6,487.50 per quarter.

This is the number you need to think about for things like holiday shopping, spring remodeling, and summer vacation.

$12.50 an hour is how much biweekly?

Did you know that $12.50 is the minimum wage in Maryland, and that several states have even higher minimum wages? If you’re employed, those wages will be paid to you most likely on a biweekly paycheck. In order to get that amount, you’ll just need to multiply your weekly salary by two weeks:

$500 each week x 2 = $1,000

$12.50 per hour is $1,000 bi-weekly.

Just like you’re making an even Benjamin every day, you’re essentially making ten with every paycheck…although, per what we mentioned already, after taxes that’s going to be closer to $930 per biweekly pay period.

What Is the Envelope Budgeting Method?

Budgeting is important. If you don’t budget, you either won’t have money to pay for things you need, or you’ll get into debt. If you want to avoid these situations, you have to budget. But sticking to a budget is hard for most people. That’s where envelopes come in (you read that right).

You can’t spend what you don’t have, as they say (keeping credit cards out of the picture). The envelope budgeting method is quite simple, and quite old school. Basically, all you do is put cash in envelopes for different categories. That’s what you can spend on that category for the month, and you can’t go over it by breaking into other envelopes.

You might consider first putting some things on autopilot, like your rent and utilities. You can then take a certain amount of money that’s appropriate for your city and state, and put it in a specific envelope for a specific type of purchase. For instance, in some states, $200 on groceries would be more than enough for a couple for the week. You could put this much in an envelope labeled supermarket. Maybe you would then put $50 into an envelope labeled gas. And another $50 into an envelope labeled date night. At the end of the week or month, you could take whatever is left over and put it in a piggy bank…or even better, an investment account.

This method does have its drawbacks. If you lose the envelope, you’re out of luck (as opposed to losing a debit card you can freeze). You also have to carry the envelope(s)  around with you. A debit card can be more convenient, and can also help you itemize and review your purchases at the end of a month. You could put a modern twist on this strategy by opening several checking accounts and making those your envelopes, which each different card set aside for a specific type of purchase like gas, groceries, and entertainment.