Education Assistance for Unemployed in Ohio

Education is an economic issue when the unemployment rate for people who have never gone to college or dropped the education is almost double what it is for those who have gone to college as per the statistical report.

Workers face serious hurdles when it comes to obtaining a degree. Time and money are the two considerations to learn and improve their skills and eligibility. No doubt, you get new skills through education. You get employed with your skills and brings in better job opportunities.

Proper education must be provided to the younger men and women who will be playing a role in developing the nation’s economy. Every society should concentrate towards the reconstruction and overhaul of the education system according to the changing requirements and environment of the State.

Is it a Better Idea to Study while working or Searching for Job…

With the implementation of better education and training programs offered by State, private players and non-profit organiations, jobless people can now find more  jobs with better earnings potential. In tough economic conditions, it may be a good idea to go back back to school to gain better knowledge.

Jobless workers who are already receiving Ohio unemployment benefits may also enroll in special education and training programs to improve their job prospects in and outside of the State.

Federal financial Assistance for unemployed for training purposes

Federal government has implemented multiple grants, loans and work-study programs in order to assist for continuing education and training. At present if you are treated as unemployed,  you will be eligible for Ohio’s federal student aid, which includes the Federal Pell Grant.

Eligibility and Benefit of Federal Grant Aid

If you are treated as unemployed from the State of Ohio’s employment agency then you will be eligible for federal financial aid. Federal student loans and grants are also available to the eligible candidates. Financial aid administrators and participating institutions consider unemployed person’s current economic circumstance into account while deciding the student’s eligibility for assistance.

Every student who is about to get the benefit of federal grant aid are expected to meet few criteria that include:

  • Not being in default on a federal student loan
  • Having a high school diploma or General Educational Development (GED) equivalency, and
  • Being a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen. Pell Grants are not available to students who have already received a bachelor’s degree.

For the annual budget of 2013 $4 trillion is proposed for the educational and career development project which favors the following priority areas:

  • Community colleges work training that will lead to skill building
  • College based training programs that provide certified training
  • Paid internships for low income students and the ability to earn credits for work based learning.
  • Incentives for training providers by ensuring them that those trainees get a permanent job.
  • State and local governments offering grants to companies to locate and organize in US that lead to quick job to the students.
  • Six-weeks of online training course on entrepreneurship that could reach up to 500,000 new entrepreneurs, and an intensive six-month entrepreneurship-training program resulting in entrepreneurship certification for 100,000 small business owners.

Education and Labor department have funded to equip the workers in cultivating skills in the areas of transportation, advanced manufacturing and health care. These investments have enriched community colleges with best resources to become the best career provider. Such community college ensures that the employers provide skillful work.

Educational Assistance of Voluntary Organizations

Assistance of voluntary organization will also give supporting hands on training and finding prospective employers. These organizations are equipped with the unanimous view that more employment exchanges should be opened in order to give guidance to the people who are in search of employment. They also assist in motivating self employment proposals.