Guidelines For Unemployment Eligibility


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A person who files for the Unemployment Insurance benefits is expected to meet certain specific eligibility requirements before obtaining the advantage of the benefits.

State law determines the UI eligibility of an unemployed person, amount of compensation benefits to be paid and the length of time the person may expect to receive insurance benefits. Check with your State Unemployment Office for information on what benefits you are entitled to.

Unemployment Eligibility

Losing your job through no fault of yours  is not the only requirement to qualify for obtaining the benefits. Most of the people tend to find the actual procedure and process for claiming the unemployment insurance gain. But it is always better to spend some time and find out the actual unemployment eligibility before you face the delayed and tough claiming process.

For easy facilitation of application process, claimants should meet certain unemployment eligibility requirements of the time worked or wages earned during the time honored (One year). Additionally, benefit seekers must have become unemployed  through no fault of theirs. In case they quit their job or were fired from the company then they are declared as ineligible for claiming the unemployment compensation.

Unemployment Eligibility If You are Fired

  • If you are fired from the company, you still collect the unemployment compensation but it depends on the circumstances on which you were fired.
  • If you were fired from the company because the job was not suitable for youor if the company reduced the production and started cutting off employees, then you may qualify for unemployment benefits.
  • If you are fired for misconduct, then you may not be eligible for the unemployment compensation. Misconduct, falsifying records and other serious misbehavior are treated as violation of company policies or rules.
  • If you are fired from the company and are not aware of the process to file the claim for benefits, verify with your concerned State Unemployment Office and know the eligibility criteria for obtaining the unemployment compensation claims. Remember, the eligibility requirement for claiming unemployment benefits varies from state to state.

Unemployment Eligibility If You Have Resigned

If you have resigned the job on your own then in most of the cases you are not eligible for the compensation. However, you are still eligible to collect the benefits if you have left the job for a good cause.

Good causes are reflected by the State Unemployment Office, since it varies from State to State. So, let us look into the some common considerations where self resigning can also allow you in claiming benefits. The situations include the reasons like unsafe working conditions, not being paid, unexpected change in your job duties, discrimination, health and safety risks over the job or some types of family emergency reasons.

Unemployment Eligibility if you are Self Employed

To be frank, self employed people or freelancers are not eligible for unemployment compensation. Main reason for denying their claim is because the employers contribute funding for unemployment benefits. If you are self employed and have probably not paid unemployment fund then surely you won’t be eligible for the compensation.

However, if you were paying the fund, you are eligible to claim the benefit. In some States, Federal Government assists self employed individuals by offering them benefits while starting the business. The self-employment assistance program featured by Federal Government also pays self-employed allowance, instead of regular unemployment insurance benefit.

Other Unemployment Requirements

There are certain other requirements in order to qualify for the unemployment benefits. You must be willing and able to work and should be ready to start up your job immediately.

You should also be physically and mentally capable of working which prepares you as an efficient employer. Registering with State’s job service and actively seeking work is a major requirement while claiming for benefits. Keep applying for jobs and submit resumes regularly till you get a suitable job.