Best Jobs For A Stay-At-Home Parent

Being a stay-at-home-parent is not an easy task for anyone. You have to manage your kids, family life and finances. Here’s where stay at home jobs come in. The trick is to find the right job to balance your household duties and find time to enjoy your work. 

A stay-at-home job will help you manage your finances better, plus give you the time to spend some quality time with your family. While there are several advantages of working from home it is also important to choose the job which you really would love to do.  

Let’s take a look at some important advantages of working from home

Best Jobs For Stay At Home Parent

Advantages of Working From Home  

Working from home can have several benefits, such as:

  • Less Distraction
  • No time getting wasted in commuting
  • Flexibility
  • Less Stress 

These advantages will give you a ray of hope while you are working from home and make the best out of the situation. 

Let’s Dive in and Take a look at the Best Stay at Home Jobs:

Private Tutor

Being a private tutor is one of the best jobs for a stay-at-home-parent. You can call students over to your place and give them classes, be it maths, science, geography or any subject for that matter. It’s the perfect stay-at-home-parent job. You can schedule lessons at a time convenient to you, and you don’t have the burden of commuting as the students come over to your place. 

There are several sites where you can register yourself as a private tutor. You can earn up to $20 an hour being a tuition teacher. 


It is effortless to start a blog from your residence. All you need is a computer and a working internet connection. You can create your blog on various blogging sites for a minimal payment fee. You can also set up google ads on your blog and do basic SEO so that traffic increases on your blog, and you earn more.

The returns of blogging are entirely up to you. The more effort you put in, the more you will earn.


If you have kids, you would not mind looking after someone else is kids to earn an extra buck. The best part of this job is if you have kids, your kids and the kids you are looking can play together and bond. The average earnings for a caregiver are close to $15 an hour.


If you hold a degree in English literature or even journalism for that matter being a copyreader is a stable job option. All you got to do is edit copy, and all you will need is a computer. The faster you proofread, the quicker you earn. Today’s market has a high demand for good copyreaders. 

Fitness Trainer

This is an excellent job for people who like to stay fit. What you got to do is schedule a fitness class at your home and invite people over to get fit. Since obesity is on the rise in the U.S, a lot of people will show up. As a fitness instructor from your home, you can earn anywhere between $20 to $50 in an hour.

Whether you want to spend time with your family or in between jobs, being a stay-at-home-parent working from home can give you the right work-life balance, and you can earn very well. It’s extremely easy to find freelance jobs no days as there are several opportunities available on the internet. is the perfect platform for you to understand everything about unemployment benefits and the procedure to file for unemployment benefits in every state of the United States. 

If you are unemployed it’s a good idea to use our simple Unemployment Benefits Calculator, to know home much of unemployment benefits you are eligible for.


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