What are the Most In-Demand Jobs in 2020?

2020 will see a rise in jobs in the technological sphere. As we are very well aware, the world is changing rapidly, and as a result, most of the in-demand jobs in 2020 will have a technological aspect to it. A lot of jobs today will continue to be a part of the future but will undergo a massive change. 

One of the most in-demand jobs in 2020 will be Artificial Intelligence (AI) even though the world has an idea of what AI is all about. It is AI that is extremely dynamic and ever-changing and will produce the most jobs in the times to come. 

According to a survey by Linkedin, the demand for Artificial Intelligence specialists grew by about 74% in the last five years alone. The core aspects of AI require a thorough understanding of machine learning and deep learning. 

The other interesting most in-demand jobs in 2020 include engineering roles, customer service specialists and chief revenue officers. 

Let’s take a look at the most in-demand jobs in 2020:

  1. Blockchain Specialists
  2. Video and Digital Marketers
  3. Customer Support Specialist
  4. Cyborg Specialists
  5. Virtual Reality Experts 
  6. Specialized Drone Pilots
  7. Nanotech Specialists 

Blockchain Specialists

With significant developments in cryptocurrency last year alone, the demands for a blockchain specialist in 2020 is massive. May 20, 2020, will see bitcoin experience it’s third halving, which means bitcoins will be generated every ten minutes through mining. This, in turn, will see a massive demand for blockchain developers in the times to come.

Video and Digital Marketers 

As the demand for video becomes more and more popular, it will create an enormous surge in jobs for the years to come. A video marketer uses video as a platform to explain, describe, or even sell a product digitally. Digital marketers have been in demand in the last few years alone and will continue to be in need of the marketing and content industry in the near future.

Customer Support Specialist

The main roles and responsibilities of a customer support specialist include responding to customer enquires, help customers through the purchasing process, and so on. A demand for a customer support specialist will only be on the rise, as they require a deep understanding of the products and services that the company offers.

Cyborg Specialists  

Cyborg specialists integrate natural elements and advanced robot concepts to create new features in the natural universe. In 2020, the demand for cyborg specialists is going to be tremendous. Cyborg specialists are required in industries like healthcare, sports, and space exploration.

Virtual Reality Experts 

Virtual reality experts design software for people to enhance their visual experience. You technically don’t have to be present to experience that new place or scenario all you have do is wear a device to get the feel of it. Virtual reality experts will create the future of AI and will be in high demand in the years to come.

Specialized Drone Pilots

Specialized drone pilots control drones for various aspects like collecting thermal images, producing 3-D models of buildings, military purposes, and so on. Drone pilots are going to be in high demand as they are incredibly specialized and sought after in the drone industry, which is niche currently but is going to be the future in the times to come.

Nanotech Specialists 

Nanotech specialists mold atoms and molecules to create a new range of innovations. Nanoscale technologies are being used to develop advanced materials and also being added to consumer products and electronics. Nanotech specialists are exceptionally well qualified in the field of science and will be the future of the workforce.

Impressive Numbers for the Most In-Demand Jobs

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics believes that America will add up to 20 million jobs by 2020 alone. The bureau also believes that the next decade will see a 14% annual rate of growth. The estimates indicate that construction, healthcare, professional and business services, and social assistance alone create 10 million more jobs in 2020.


With the start of the new year almost here, a lot of new jobs are going to be created. Companies will also look to hire the best talent early in the year itself. Upskilling and work experience in your specific domain will land you that dream job in 2020.