Max Weekly Benefit Amount
Max Weeks of Benefits
Current Jobless Rate

Hawaii Unemployment Benefits

Hawaii Unemployment Benefits

The UI Division of the State Department of Labor and Industrial Relations runs the Hawaii unemployment benefits program. Qualified workers who have lost their jobs through no fault of theirs, can get temporary financial aid through this program until they can find new suitable jobs. Employers pay taxes on their payrolls to fund the system with no contribution from the employees.

Hawaii UI Benefits Calculator

The Hawaii Unemployment Benefits Calculator helps you estimate your UI weekly benefits amount.

UI Benefits Calculator
Calculate Your Hawaii Unemployment Benefits

See our Hawaii unemployment calculator to estimate your benefit payments.

Hawaii Unemployment Calculator

Eligibility To Apply For UI Benefits In Hawaii

In order to receive unemployment benefits in the state of Hawaii, you must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Be totally or partially unemployed
  2. File an application for unemployment benefits
  3. Complete a one-week waiting period
  4. File unemployment claim certifications
  5. Register for work with the Hawaii State Workforce Development Division
  6. Apply for 3 jobs each week
  7. Take part in reemployment services
  8. Be physically and mentally able to work
  9. Be ready and willing to accept full-time work
  10. Attend required interviews and appointments
  11. Be a United States citizen or have a legal right to work in Hawaii

Monetary eligibility

After filing an initial application for benefits, you will receive an Unemployment Determination of Insured Status form. This form will tell you:

  • How much you earned from each employer in the past year and total wages paid during your base period
  • Your weekly benefit amount
  • Your maximum benefit amount

Unemployment compensation is based on how much you earned during your “base period.” This base period consists of the first four out of the past five most recently worked quarters before you the week you filed for benefits. In some cases, an alternate base period may be used, which typically uses the four most recently completed quarters.

Find out more about eligibility requirements

Job Separation

In order to qualify for unemployment benefits in Hawaii, you must have lost your job through no fault of your own. This means:

  • You did not voluntarily quit without a valid cause
  • You were not fired or suspended for misconduct
  • You are partially or completely unemployed
  • If you are partially unemployed, your wages must be less than your weekly benefit

Eligibility Calculator

Maintaining eligibility

In order to continue receiving unemployment compensation, you must file a weekly or bi-weekly claim certification. When filing your claim certification, you will need to be prepared to supply information about:

  • Any work performed/wages received
  • Whether you were willing and able to work
  • Job search activities, including
    • If you posted a resume on HireNet Hawaii
    • How many employers you contacted

Whether you are recording your job contacts

Learn more about job search requirements

How to apply for UI benefits in Hawaii

To start receiving Hawaii UI benefits, you must file an initial application through the state’s online portal.

When creating a login and filing for benefits, be prepared to supply:

  • Contact information
  • Personal identification
  • Banking account and routing number for direct deposits
  • Employment history for the past 18 months

Learn how to apply for Hawaii UI benefits

How To File Weekly Claims

After submitting your initial application for unemployment benefits, you will need to file a weekly or bi-weekly claim certification.

To do so, you will need to log into the state’s unemployment portal at and click the “File a Claim Certification” button on the right-hand side of the screen.

You will need to file a weekly certification within seven days from the end of your certification period, otherwise your benefits may be denied.

Learn how to claim weekly benefits

Things To Know After Filing An Application

After you’ve filed for unemployment benefits, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the process to maintain your eligibility and continue receiving benefits. If you fail to follow the unemployment regulations established by the state of Hawaii, your claim for benefits may be denied. Please take into account the following:

Hawaii unemployment fraud

Intentionally providing false information or withholding important facts to receive benefits is considered unemployment fraud, and may result in swift penalties. This includes being dishonest about why you’re unemployed, failure to report earnings while filing claim certifications, or lying about your job search activities.


If it is determined that you received benefits you were not eligible for, it creates what is known as an overpayment. When this happens, you will receive a Notice of Overpayment of Benefits letter that outlines the overpayment amount, the week in which it occurred, and how to re-pay it.

Extended benefit programs

The state of Hawaii participates in federal extended benefits programs once its unemployment rate reaches a certain threshold or during extenuating economic circumstances. The state also maintains its own “additional benefits program” for county-specific natural and man-made disasters.

There are currently no extended benefit programs in place in Hawaii. Residents of Hawaii are eligible for 26 weeks of unemployment benefits.

Job Training Assistance

Hawaii offers a variety of job searching resources and programs to help unemployed workers find new employment. By contacting potential employers, you can meet your work search requirements for unemployment. These programs are available in a variety of languages, including Hawaiian, Tagalog, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.

A few of the most popular programs and resources include:

  • American Job Center Hawaii
  • Hawaii is Hiring
  • HireNet Hawaii
  • Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment
  • Workforce Development job fairs and training workshops

Learn about job training opportunities in HI

Hawaii unemployment office locations and phone numbers

If you have questions about your claim for unemployment benefits, or require assistance with filing, you can call the unemployment claims center or schedule an appointment with your local claims office.

If you are looking for help with finding a new job, including resume writing help and training programs, you should visit your local American Jobs Center.

Common questions about Hawaii unemployment insurance

Can I file for unemployment benefits if I am traveling or sick?

If you are not able and available for work, you will be deemed ineligible for UI benefits, according to the state law in Hawaii. Traveling or recovering from an illness means you are not able to work.

What happens if I earn more than my weekly benefit amount?

When submitting your claim certifications, it is essential to disclose your gross earnings (earnings before taxes). They will be subtracted from your weekly benefit amount.

Do I need to keep filing claim certifications after I find a full-time job?

You do not need to continue filing claim certifications if you have resumed full-time employment.

Can you claim unemployment benefits as a student or educational worker?

Yes. Questions about educational institution employment are consistently included in the “Eligibility Review” section, asking whether you have worked for an educational institution employer in the last 18 months, and whether your employment was conditional upon your status as a student.

How do unemployment benefits work with a permanent change of station in the military?

While individuals who resign from their jobs due to relocating with their spouse (PCS) are generally eligible for UI benefits, this may not always be the case. Other factors, such as the inability to be available for work, can lead to disqualification.

What is the maximum benefit amount I can receive?

The minimum weekly benefit amount is $5 and the maximum weekly benefit amount is $763. The maximum amount is updated each year.

Can I move to another state and still receive Hawaii UI benefits?

Hawaii provides UI benefits to qualified claimants, even if they move to another state.

If you have an active claim with the state of Hawaii before relocating, you must update your address with the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations.

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